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Dont know what to do...need help please

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ok here is my story. ive known this girl for 8 years, but i havent seen her in 2 years. Ive just been recently talking to her online. I know people change over the years, but it seems shes changed in a much better way. I still have feelings for her, but i dont think she knows. I used to like her before but i never did anything about it in the past and i regret not doing anything. The thing is, i dunno if she has a bf or if she even wants to have a relationship with me. i dunno what to do. could anyone please help me? Is it worth giving a shot?

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You've left your message a bit vague mate. Is she close by as this will make it easier for seeing her? There is no harm, as long as you can take what she say, being friends. That way you can find out if she has a BF and also see her again and see if the same feelings are still there. It will also give you some idea whether she has a spark for you. If you feel that you feel the same way after chatting/seeing her I would have thought you should ask her out on a proper date at least that way if she says no and she'd rather be friends you can move on and find someone else. I know these things are difficult but it may end up with you two being together and if not well like I said you can move on and look else where.


Good luck.

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I agree w/Darkness-the only way you're going to find out about her circumstances is to befriend her again and casually inquire as to her status, i.e. "So, you seeing anyone now?" If she says "No", then you have a clear shot at asking her out on a casual date (since you haven't seen her in 2 years, this is most likely your best bet) and taking things from there. If she DOES have a boyfriend, then you'll have to (if you're willing) fit yourself into that "friend" niche and be comfortable with it. If you know you can't get past the idea of her with someone else, it's best to let her go now, before further feelings develop. But I sincerely hope that she's single and amenable toa date with you!



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