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define lesbian sex please

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Well I suppose the best thing to do is ask a lesbian but since I'm a lesbian in a man's body I'll comment .


It depends on how "serious" you are as a lesbian. True lesbians do "fisting", which involves a fist and the other woman.


Otherwise, you're going back to the Bill Clinton argument that unless there's penetration there's no sex. HA! Nice one Bill.

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Er.......there's a bit more to it than that! Fisting is extreme, and definitely not done just by lesbians.


A lesbian act would be any in which two women are intimate sexually, whether by using toys such as dildos/vibrators/plugs, etc., oral, or hands, or any combination thereof. I suppose that true lesbian sex would involve actual penetration with a sex toy or manually (for lack of a better way to put it, though NOT necessarily by fisting!) as in any sex with heterosexuals, unless you're talking about oral sex. I'd hesitate to use Bill Clinton as an example, since he hasn't exactly impressed me with his savvy!




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I'm sorry, I was just following up the issue of penetration. I don't think you could consider the use of toys as penetration as people would argue that you're still a virgin if you haven't had sex with a "person". Fisting would be the closest thing to the male appendage .

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Well I suppose the best thing to do is ask a lesbian but since I'm a lesbian in a man's body I'll comment .


It depends on how "serious" (how serious do you have to be a seious lesbian!!)you are as a lesbian(what a funny statement!!). True lesbians do "fisting", which involves a fist and the other woman. (You are sharing your fantasies in public btw not facts) lmfao at 'fisting'


Otherwise, you're going back to the Bill Clinton argument that unless there's penetration there's no sex.(um... okay there!) HA! Nice one Bill.



please don't confuse the girl.


Girl on girl sex combines all the best bit of foreplay and penetration. Oral sex is high on the list but also is the use of toys as well. girls are a lot more content with closeness and experience gratification through shared intimacysuch as suckling. Girls always seem to be aware of their partners fulfilment over theirs so i guess there is an element of 'giving' at any one time and 'receiving' in the next.

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Sex means many things to many people. Each sexual culture (bi, homo, trans, S&M etc) has their own view of "sex". You appear to be using the term penetration in a hetro context and it can't realistically be used in that context in a different sexual culture.


You have to ask the right question with the right mind set and you can't ask a question about one sexual culture with a different sexual culture in mind. It would be like asking a question about black culture based on white culture - it doesn't work.


That make any sense? So anyways, what is penetration in the lesbian culture? It depends as like any culture there are varying mindsets within that culture.


Where are all the lesbians to answer this question?

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I'm a lesbian in a man's body I'll comment .

*Rolls eyes* x 1000


but I appreciate u at least answering

It depends on how "serious" you are as a lesbian. True lesbians do "fisting", which involves a fist and the other woman.

oh please, what a "male" relpy, LMAO... "true lesbians" what exactly makes u the judge of wot a true lesbian is?


I was just looking for an answer as to how lesbians define sex,


You appear to be using the term penetration in a hetro context and it can't realistically be used in that context in a different sexual culture.

point taken.... I do appreciate ur comments but yip I guess I was asking other lesbians. I know a lot who don't enjoy penetration & was wondering if fingering someone was sex. I come from a str8 background and to me it never was "sex" just fooling around but in my current situation it means so much more. I guess I am having my mind & thoughts "rearranged" according to new experiences, just trying to set myself str8 so to speak

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wooooooo ha ha..Oh wow and had to laugh. "true lesbians" "fisting" where do pople come up with this stuff? A Guys definaition of lesbian sex ...soon you'll get a post that includes naked pillow fights.

I am a lesbian and fisting ..hummm thats a little intense. I would suppose you look at sex the same way you would if you were with a man...does penetration mean sex to you? If you engage in oral sex w/a man would you consider that you just had sex with him? Speaking for myself only..it's the emotion attachted to the act, whether it's oral sex, toys or as you indicated your finger, if I am engaging in such intimate acts with this person, yes it's sex. I was married to a man for 11 years, the relationship I am presently in, with a woman, is much more satisfying. As you said...it means more. And yes..it's gonna take a while to get things comfortable in your head. Mainly...if it feels good to you and your partner, why do you need to label it? It's shared intimacy and thats always great.

Good luck


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  • 2 weeks later...

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