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A question I found a little bit strange, nothing more


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I think it tells you that she likes to drink. Whether or not she is a big drinker will remain to be seen, but i agree it was odd to ask prior to a first date unless the person didn't really have a good time going out without drinking involved. Most people who are not big or regular drinkers would figure that is a redflag to ask someone before the first date.

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I think that unless you feel its DEFINATE "no" then really you should give it more of a chance....


Lets say she was nervous, then really what you got was not how she would normally be.


i think too much focus is placed on "passing' the first date. "Did i pass?" "Did she pass"


From what you said, it sounds like its worth giving another shot.


Im going on heaps of first dates at the moment, and its just my theory on it.


Well passing a first date is pretty important. Pass might be the wrong word...but yes, people are sizing each other up a great deal on a first date. Nothing wrong with that. This is a potential to date and be close with. Of course one will scrutinize the other a little bit. You can't help it really.

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The question is, were you attracted to her?? I've had plenty of dates where the convo was a little off, but I was still attracted to her for whatever reason.


Also, she's leaving in Sept...how about a casual thing until then? Nothing wrong with that.


I mean, she's attractive physically. I'm just not sure how intellectually attracted to her I am. Let's put it this way, she doesn't blow me away in any category. I feel sort of neutral about her and I'm not sure if that is going to change with further dating or not.


As for the casual thing, that's all it would be in my mind due to the move. No way do I want the LDR thing.

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