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about to call him...please help me not call.

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Dont do it....the more you fight it then one day it wont cross your mind. I am 10 months out of a long realtionship and it was painful at 1st but now I dont even think about contqacting him, I realized I had to cut my losses and find somebody who really wants me, who wants to be with me. Dont do it...go for a walk, go eat, get away from your computer, phone, leave the phone at home and go somewhere..if you are at work, go put your phone in your car so you wont do it..Good Luck

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Instead of calling him, call your friend and have a catch up. Delete his number from your phone and remove all temptation!


If you call, you will have 5 minutes of relief, but then you will regret it. If you dont call, you will agonise over it for a bit, then feel much better and stronger!


It is the right thing to do. You know that. You dont need to call him.

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Is it going to change anything? Are you going to feel better after? If you think he waived at you... then let him call you. If you call him, and mention that you saw him it might freak him out, because there is a good chance he did not see you like you think. If you broke up on good terms, then try to keep it that way. Keep the NC going. If he broke it off with you, then let him come back to you.

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these questions have helped me in the past, dont make yourself feel worse by doing it!


let him think for a while, he has just seen you, how do you know that he isnt thinking of you and thinking about contacting you? Dont contact him first!

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Exactly, mca is right.


And if you call him now and get your "fix", when ARE you going to stop? This stage of a breakup is like an addiction (there are physical parallels too incidentally). Tomorrow? Next week? Sometimes it helps to perspectivise it like that and see the insanity of it.

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Didn't you text him yesterday & received no reply? Don't do this to yourself again. I know seeing him has set you back a little, but you have to be strong. It has been 2.5 weeks since I have heard from mine & I am desperate to talk to him...cmon, we'll all do this NC thing together. I agree with the others about putting your phone away.


Stay real strong prettybutterfly. We are here for you.

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yea, you know, you are all right.

and why do they stand out as shining memories of awesomeness for us, when so much went wrong? lol. i know i wasnt happy because of how many times he pulled this, so i've figured out the only reason why ive been holding on so tightly. It's because it always, always ended...before i was ready. I was never the dumper. I tried to be once but he broke down and cried really hard and of course i felt bad.

what the heck is my problem.

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You don't have a problem. Your heart is broken, your judgment gets clouded when this happens. Heck, your whole life probably feels clouded - mine sure does.


It is so, so hard when things end before you are ready. And even when the BU is mutual there are still memories of great times. The initial pain & loneliness blocks us from seeing that things weren't always perfect. But with time I can only imagine it will become clearer.

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Dont do it!! I know how hard it is.. but you can do it!! He will wonder what happened to you when you stop calling. Keep busy as possible.. exercising.. walking.. read self-help books (thats what i like to do lol).. this is your time to focus on urself and what you want. Get a makeover.. i usually go and get my hair done.. make urself look good even tho u may not feel good right now, it will help a little. You know that he will find some way to come back into ur life.. they always do. Maybe this time you can show him that u wont take him back.. or if he does want you back, he needs to make some changes. But you are doing so good by not calling him! If you need to talk or vent, pm me netime ok!

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