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encounters with the ex? how did you react? i really want and need to know as i am in 2 minds

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I am just wondering and I am sure it has been a common thread but what do you do when you see your ex

I live in this constant FEAR that I may I mean I know where he is I am not going out of my way but inevitably SOMEWHERE along the lines since we surf at the same spots and like the same stuff ( I have been avoiding this to give myself some space ) its going to happen now I have had a few response to this in other posts

My question is how do you act?

I don’t want to be a better person and say HI and be civilised

I think he doesn’t deserve my time and want to say that to him but then I look angry and psycho and not coping?

Id like to politely say I have nothing to say to you

Infact ID loveeeeeeeeeeee to ignore him

But I feel like being an anxious person, that I need to be prepared and equipped with what could happen

If im caught off guard im worried ill be all OOOOOOOOOOOO IM STILL HURT

And forget that he cheated, he pleaded, I took him back he said he had years which turned out to be 2 months, he blocked me and deleted me and made it so clear he didn’t want me in his life

SO WHY OH WHY do we have to be civil??????????? Would it be rude to ignore him

Say if we passed our he came up to me id really rather not but I also think he will be scared and keep his distance

Im pre-empting a concert im going to and to be honest I don’t want to be seen until im fabulously amazingly hot

I went out feeling ok on the weekend then saw some side on shots and was so depressed.

But alas im still walking and eating ok… im not beating myself up and im actually calmer

Anyway so are there any instances and what do u say? I know the urge is great but id only want to say hi

And walk away what if u get trapped somewhere I don’t want conversation to start because ill explode

OH SO NOW U CARE like get stuffed... if I was so great in your eyes then why did u leave

Anyway im very curious

Because parto f me wants to have some dignity after I pretty much lost that from the bargaining begging phone call straight after the shock……………………

And see its so bad because id always come to and sort it out and forgive him and he clearly didn’t ever give me that ……. Which is just lovely

Ok so it is a fine line – I honestly want to say you don’t deserve to be talking to me

But I am not some superior being

Well yes I have morals….


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You are so stressing and overthinking this! Relax! If you see him just nod like you would to anyone you recognize but don't really talk to and keep walking. If he tries to talk to you just reply politely and then say "see ya" or "bye" and leave. Don't feel obligated to have a conversation if he starts one, and DON'T get emotional, just treat him like a random aquaintance who isn't particularily interesting.


If he blocked you it's likely he won't try to talk to you anyways, or will pretend he didn't notice you.

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