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Question for the ladies


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Ladies, do you act differently around a guy who you know that is having a crush on you?


1) if you like this guy: would you act differently around him?

How would you act around him: shy and quiet or outgoing?

2) If you don't like this guy: would you still act differently around him and how would you act?

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1. If I liked him back, I'd probably get a little shy and act more reserved towards him haha.


2. If I didn't like him, I'd feel uncomfortable and wouldn't be able to act the same way with him. I'd probably retreat... unless he didn't permit it to get between us, meaning he'd just keep on acting normal as usual and didn't expect things to go further. But I'd still feel somewhat uncomfortable.

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Ladies, do you act differently around a guy who you know that is having a crush on you?


1) if you like this guy: would you act differently around him?

How would you act around him: shy and quiet or outgoing?

2) If you don't like this guy: would you still act differently around him and how would you act?


yes, if I think he has a crush on me , I automatically try to make some sort of excuse and leave.

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If i liked him: Proboly talk to him more, say flirtier things. Proboly try to impress him, and end up saying embarrassing things. Id proboly try to act outgoing but it may fail.


If i didn't like him: Well i would be pretty flattered and i think i would act pretty much the same. I would most likely be a bit shier and quieter then before.

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well say that you guys are hanging out with a group of friends that include a couple of guys. would you talk to the guys you don't like more than the guys you like? cuz for me im a guy and around group of people i tense to talk to her friends more than i talk to her cuz i get really nervous and i don't know what to say to her. her friends think that im a pimp because i act so flirty around her friends, but for her i can't get things going

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Hehe thats really cute. Please don't hate me for saying that but it is.


Well she could. I don't really know her so i can't say how she would act. Personally i would want to talk to the guy i liked more the the other guys and i proboly would do my best do to so. But some shy girls might avoid you all together. It really does depend. Try talking to her via txt or msn and getting to know her better through that, then we you guys see each other you might be able to talk more?

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i wish i can't shut up cuz i get too nervous talking to the girl i like. with her friends i can go out and flirth with them


well, when i see a group of girls and one is attractive i will still talk with all of them. but i will focus on her that much more. so my attention and interest i her is known.

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