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Should I wait?


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Ok my g/f or should I say my ex g/f is going to Iraq and so we broke up. She is going to be gone for 2 years and she asked me not to wait for her. I am in love with her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Now here is my problem I want to wait for her but at the same time I want to see outher people too. Now I feel bad about feeling that way. What is every ones opinon about this?

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Well obviously you should try to save yourself from being in love with two people at the same time as its easy to decide now than later on and you usually save urself heaps of complications.


But maybe it is a good idea, who knows what will happen in two years time and if you date someone else, it'll make it easier to forget her. However, if you truly love her with all your heart then I don't see why you'd have these wacky ideas about dating someone else while you are still in love with her. She'd obviously tell you not to wait but does she really mean it? Is two years of your life worth the rest of it together with the one you love?


Think about it

Happy Heb

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I would say, you can still go on dates etc but just at the end of the day, know and let her know that you will be waiting for her. But that in itself is a big risk because you might meet someone better than her.


FOr me, things r not good for my ex and i right now. I hope it works out too and giving time to see if he still comes back to me at the end of it. Do read my posts by sleepers and tell me wat i should do.



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Hey, keep in mind as well, there's a huge difference between friendly dating/getting together to hang out, go places etc, and looking for a relationship per se. As long as you're upfront and honest about just wanting company and a friend to go places and not be alone, there's no harm in it, there are plenty of people not looking for a relationship who would be more than happy for a companion with no expectations or involvement. When option A isn't possible, and option B isn't palatable - don't forget to look at the other options!

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