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Not interested or shy?

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Today I talked to this girl I like after school. I intoduced my self and asked her for her name which I got. I then asked her if she was doing anything for lunch the next day, but then her mom drove up and she said she had to go, and left. Is she not interested or maybe just really shy since she is a freshman probably 14 or 15 and I am a junior if that makes any difference. Thanks.

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Jamie is correct, that isn't enough to say YES or NO, she had to go, so she disembarked from the "introduction" and Now you just have to wait until tomorrow to see what transpires, right.... i noticed this in your post..



I then asked her if she was doing anything for lunch the next day


Er. i would be cautious here my friend, why that is, would be because of the following reasons.


1. you just meet her, an introduction that is it...period right from what you said.


2. offering to take her out, so "searching for a word here" ( quickly) for lack of a better term, .....isn't really the best thing to do, why because your throwing yourself out as someone, you have NOT yet gotten to know, she could have a B/f, even if she doesn't your invitation may fall short because it would seem like you are desperate for someone.


3. I think if you just get to know each other first, talk, small talk...get a number, get to know what she likes, interest she has...things like that (in that order) than your chances for future invitations will be more proper, and hopefully land you a date, not going out date, casual under the title of friends, because that is what you FIRST have to develop is friendship. than branch off that.

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Well.. I agree with everyone on the concept that there is too little information to just say she's not interested; however, if a girl has feelings for someone.. well.. just put it this way, mom can wait a few minutes. lol. luckily, its gotta be too early for her to have any type of feelings.. which is a good thing, because this is where you make the first impression (you don't have to worry about that one anymore), establish communication, and build a friendship (not too strong if you want there to be a more intimate relationship). now.. you did kind of throw yourself out there, so there's no way around it, you must ask her to lunch the next time you see her (you always want to remain consistent with girls). dont be shy though, always confident because this will affect her response. if she says yes and ya'll hit it off you've successfully jumped ahead to the friendship thing and theres probably not much advice you'll need for that. if she says no, its alright.. just try to say hi every now and then, open the door for her, make small-talk, ask her about interests, hobbies, etc. if you get blown off at every attempt to gain her respect, friendship, just move on but don't give her dirty looks, hatemail, etc. there are lots of girls out there, and you'll find one who shares your interests and feels equally attracted

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  • 1 month later...

hey she might not be allowed to talk to guys lol i dont know u dont have anough info on her yet. talk to her again tomorrow and see whats up u know? us girls are just as shy as some of u guys..we sometimes have no clue what to say.. or we just dont like u..one or the other did u pay attintion to her body gesture..was she smiley .. ne eye contact..if so im guessin she likes u and is shy..

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