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how to meet people


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I was in a relationship for 5 years, which ended a little over a year ago. I feel like I'm finally ready to start dating again, but it's been so long that I don't even know how/where to start. The last time before now that I was single, I was a senior in college, and lived on campus, so it was always easy to meet people, in class, in the dorms, etc. The guy I was with for 5 years, I actually met because he lived down the hall from me. So I've never had any "real world" dating experience, and I have no idea how to go about it.


So I guess, what I'm asking is, does anyone have any suggestions on where to go out to meet people, and how do I make myself approachable? Should I go out alone (which I'm really nervous about doing), or with friends? I'm just completely lost on how to get back in the game.


Any suggestions at all would be very welcome.

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There are two methods that work relatively well if you want to start putting yourself out there again. I suggest doing both to maximize your chances of finding someone or at leat one that makes you feel more comfortable. First off, I wouldn't recommend going out alone as this will probably, like you said, make you nervous and probably unapproachable and it's definitely not fun. Try to go out with friends and surroud yourself with as many outgoing people (friends/acquaintances) as possible. When out with friends, introduce yourself to friends of friends and mingle as much as you can. This is a very good approach for very outgoing people but if you're a more discreet/shy type I would recommend online dating. Everyone seems to be doing it these days and there are many free dating sites available such as link removed link removed link removed link removed among others where you can start interacting with other singles. When I got out of my 4 year relationship I was in a similar boat as you and doing the online dating thing proved very useful. It gave me an opportunity to meet a wide range of available people I would never come in contact otherwise. Just take your time with it, don't rush to meet someone too soon, feel them out online, chat with them for a bit, even few people at a time and line up dates for yourself in due time. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone on the net in no time. Good luck!

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