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Hey! Nice question.


Sex for me is when you're being most intimate with your partner and also a sign of your love. Making love and having sex is for me the same thing. But then again, I've never had any one-night stands or indulged in casual sex. And I don't suspect I will be doing that in the near future either seeing as I believe that it is something special.

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Hiya Kel


Interesting question you pose


As far as I'm concerned sex and making love are a single act separated by two entirely separate sets of emotions.


Sex is certainly an enjoyable act with mutual pleasure but making love for me involves a feeling coming from the pit of my stomach which seems to heighten every sensation.


Making love (as opposed to having sex) is only something you can appreciate when you are in the position of being in love with somebody and once you have loved and lost you will always be chasing that feeling.


I think that sex heightens the feelings of love and love heightens sex.


Loveless sex is like a quick sandwhich, filling but ultimately just enough to get by, whereas making love is a gourmet banquet leaving you satiated for a long time.

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Here are my opinions on the topic:


Making love is the intimate connection emotionally, mentally and physically between two people who love, care and respect each other.


Sex is more of an act when you lust after someone and wanna jump on them without any emotional attachment involved.



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sex is like wen ur drunk and u just wanna hop abord cuz they look good after a few drinks making love is emotional it makes u aware u have bin allowed into som1s personal space its intimate u feel every hearbeet every breath of the other person and u dont want to let go its passionate and it feels so much more private u feel warm in the pit of your tummy and u wanna just be there all the time u cant stop thinking obout it wen u have loved sum1 and lost u will no what i meen just like sum1 else on here said making love is emotional sex is just fun

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i have a comment for ur first question. idk if this is wut ur asking but this is what i wanna say. when i hear 'sex' i think of intercourse. sure there are other sexual acts like oral but i think of 'sex' as intercourse. my friend and i were talking about wut we thought it to mean if u were a virgin or not. the broad definition of a virgin is not having sex, but wut exactly does that mean? we agreed that if u have intercourse then ur not a virgin obviously. however if u have oral or masterbate (alone or mutually,) only then your still a virgin however you've lost a piece of ur innocence. wut does every1 else think?

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hey Mermaid_gurl.


great topic, youve got there. i would have to say when first responce to being asked what a virgin was, it would be to me someone who has not engaged in sexual intercouse.

however when in depth as you put it, there must be a virgin to everything if you understand what i mean by this. as in you are a virgin to kissing or masturbation as you said or oral. all acts once taken place are no longer a virgin in your case using the word 'innocence'


it may be in some sense a loss of innocence and thereforeeee a gain in maturity right? wrong, each act is engaged for different reasons. such as age, because a man and woman or woman and woman or man and man in some cases engage in such an act after legal consent doesnt neccesarily mean they are ready or mature enough. however it could be that a child some what younger by an acceptable age range could be.


bring my opinion. but i guess then you have to define the age range and that in itself is an question i cannot answer.


great topic as i said Mermaid_gurl



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I think there is no such thing as casual sex. (just sex vs making love)


Sex should never be taken casually.


Though I know some people just Make Like the Discovery Channel

[insert silly one hit wonder song here.] I don't believe it is fulfilling in

any sense, even just the mere physical release.

Typically that kind of sex may be "hot" but it usually isn't very good.

Every time people have "casual" sex they leave a little part of themselves

with the other person and they become more and more hardened to real intimacy.


I heard an analogy about sex that there is "just sex", and then there is "wall-socket sex". Where the two persons have both eyes open, looking into each others souls, knowing each other completely. Knowing their needs and desires in and out of bed. Often this isn't found until in older age and in safe, committed relationships.


Why waste your time, emotions and even risk your life on a second best experience?



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great responce, and nice ending with a question, your right, why waste something that could be so amazing.

bringing that up do you believe that you should remain a virgin until cokmpletely in love and devoted to that other person or are we allowed to induldge in this activity and make mistakes ... in your eyes?


i especially liked what you had to say about understanding each other:

I heard an analogy about sex that there is "just sex", and then there is "wall-socket sex". Where the two persons have both eyes open, looking into each others souls, knowing each other completely. Knowing their needs and desires in and out of bed. Often this isn't found until in older age and in safe, committed relationships.


thanks for sharing that i found it enlightening within this topic.


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why waste something that could be so amazing.

bringing that up do you believe that you should remain a virgin until cokmpletely in love and devoted to that other person or are we allowed to induldge in this activity and make mistakes ... in your eyes?


This is a good question that people need to decide, and decide this BEFORE both of you are hot and heavy in the dark.


Personally I was brought up with the idea of saving oneself until in a committed relationship, and the truly committed relationship is marriage.

Though certain relationships make that a very difficult thing because sex is a natural progression of intimacy. Then again there is alot of things that one can do to show intimacy that don't require sex at all. i.e. talk.


It is more a question of your own values. Some people are satisfied with

the sex of a one night stand. I have read many people complain how

they have to keep "training" their one night stands to do the things

they like and they have to keep talking throughout the experience

instructing this and that. That doesn't sound as appealing as two people

that grow sexually together learning each other's body responses so well that they don't have to say much of anything and can keep experimenting with the next level by communicating honestly and openly.


But here is something to think about: Most people agree that having an affair is wrong. If you have sex before marriage, aren't you are cheating on your future marriage partner, whoever and wherever they might be at this time?






Comedian Dennis Miller said regarding the Islamic martydom with 72 virgins in heaven:

"I agree with you, the 72 virgins, I think that probably sounds better than it is. Seven or eight virgins, this is probably a good idea. You get around ten virgins in, I'm thinking you're gonna want a pro. Now, I like the befuddled thing up front as much as the next guy, but somewhere during the evening, I want a finger jammed up my a*s!"

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thankyou derek for explaining what you felt, i understand and also believe that people have there values. i guess sometimes though, when people act within sexual intercourse they truelly believe that this person is the one, not seeing it is a betrayal on the next until realising that relationship was not what it first set of to be. now that would be an unexpected life experiance, so would someone be let of for this?


or what about remarrying? does this count as fair on the next person with theory of betraing someone.


im glad that you brought up the question:

But here is something to think about: Most people agree that having an affair is wrong. If you have sex before marriage, aren't you are cheating on your future marriage partner, whoever and wherever they might be at this time?


it was very enlightening and something that i am going to think alot of and come back to you on.



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they truelly believe that this person is the one, not seeing it is a betrayal on the next until realising that relationship was not what it first set of to be. now that would be an unexpected life experiance, so would someone be let off for this?


or what about remarrying? does this count as fair on the next person with theory of betraying someone.


Well, everyone had to decide their own values. So there is no need to put it in terms of "will someone be let off for this?" as if there is a judgement about it. (other than ones conscience) Sure, mistakes can happen but as the saying goes, "tomorrow is a new day", to try for the better road.


Now you are making it more complicated when talking about re-marrying and such. Some people think of the concept of serial monogomy in that case. I think most people would agree their ideal dream relationship is to find their soulmates and grow old together for 50 years?


Sure life happens, (death/divorce), and the ideal is not always possible, but shouldn't we want and expect the best for ourselves as a start?



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sex and making love can be the same thing if with a person you love you cant make love without having sex, but you can have sex without "making love" thats the best way i can put it! sex is just sex and more of a physical thing, you dont have to be goin out with someone to have sex, but you tend to only make love when your with a partner you love! well there ya go....

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