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I want nothing but women as sexual partners now ...

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Well, I think (my opinion) you are having sex for the wrong reason... pleasure only.


I understand women may want long term relationships with women, but based on your post, I can't assume that in your case. Let me know if I'm wrong though.


I think, of course, you should have sex for pleasure, but ALSO to enhance a long term relationship. I think if you have sex without the intention of enhancing a relationship you are only headed down a road of heartache and regret.


I've had sex for pleasure only in the past. It was fantastic.. during the sex.. but afterwards.. it ALWAYS turned into deep regret... I felt selfish.


Learn from me.. use sex to enhance your LOVE.

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  • 1 year later...

well I can't say im surprised...being a lesbian, after years of sex with men, it did not much for me , and well, sex with a woman is just so much better on so many levels.

Female sexuality....MMMMMM


don't be afraid, explore your sexuality, maybe you are bi, or gay, who knows, but it's all good.

with men or women...as long as you enjoy it

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