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how about a second try?

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i was dating this girl for about 2 months. Initially i didn't feel that strongly about her, but then my feeling for her grew. After we went out for 2 months, we had the talk about how we feel about each other. She said that i didn't open up to her and that things won't work out that way. Becuase she didn't open up to me, i was having a hard time opening up to her. So now that we are friends and we have opened up to each other and that we felt more comfortable about each other. i was just wondering if i should suggest the idea of giving things another try becuase i really want to know if it was really communication problem or it was simply no connection between us.

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I would suggest just to try. At least it will give you the idea that YOU have done and tried everything to get together. Make sure, though that before you do this, you are sure about your feelings. What I mean by that?


I would suggest that you figure out what you really look for in a relationship with her and what exactly your needs are. You will feel more organised talking to her when at least YOU know what your needs are.


I hope this was of help... good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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Hi there. I would recommend trying to give it another shot. There is a large possiblility that the problem was communication. A lot of times, people do not understand eachother or why the relationship fails because of the lack of communication involved. I would suggest talking to this girl and explaining to her that you feel this way...that you both need to work harder on your communicaiton skills. If you both agree that you can work oon this together and be successful in talking to eachother, I think you may be pleased with the results. If you try this and still do not feel the connection, then maybe it is a alost cause. But I see no harm in putting the effort out to try it differently. hope this helps you!

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