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Intimacy Vs "Being Intimate" With The Exes......

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Something that only occurred to me today was this: I have not thought of thus have not missed the "physical" side of things with the boy. He was my first in that regard. so it was meaningful and special (yada yada I hear you all saying!) rather than just carnal lust, maybe that has something to do with not missing IT, I dunno.


On the other hand, I desperately miss the intimacy of HIM. I miss the hand holding on the couch, cuddling,lying on him,kissing of course, the way he always stroked my hair and the manner in which he touched my face etc. Our little chats about silly things,pet names and goodnight texts.


Am I the only one that doesn't miss the sex AT ALL?!? Am I abnormal! Or maybe I'm speaking too soon haha!

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On the other hand, I desperately miss the intimacy of HIM. I miss the hand holding on the couch, cuddling,lying on him,kissing of course, the way he always stroked my hair and the manner in which he touched my face etc. Our little chats about silly things,pet names and goodnight texts.



Aw.......Yeah...... I just miss the sex!

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Well I'm sure sex is a good part of any relationship, but to be honest, after being together for a while, and the daily requirement dropping into the weekly requirement ,and the stress of day to day circumstances, it's no wonder why it would be set on the back burner..

Most people don't spend their days in bed with their partner, so they will miss the common things they did with each other more. Watching tv, talking about their day, cooking with each other, cuddling and just enoying hearing that persons voice.


To be honest and forthright, you weighing an average of what: 1-2 hours in the bedroom, against 10-12 hours of emotional interaction which runs deeper than the surface of physical desire.


I find that I as well miss the non physical intimacy with the ex, than the physical.

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Something that only occurred to me today was this: I have not thought of thus have not missed the "physical" side of things with the boy. He was my first in that regard. so it was meaningful and special (yada yada I hear you all saying!) rather than just carnal lust, maybe that has something to do with not missing IT, I dunno.


On the other hand, I desperately miss the intimacy of HIM. I miss the hand holding on the couch, cuddling,lying on him,kissing of course, the way he always stroked my hair and the manner in which he touched my face etc. Our little chats about silly things,pet names and goodnight texts.


Am I the only one that doesn't miss the sex AT ALL?!? Am I abnormal! Or maybe I'm speaking too soon haha!


I REALLY miss the sex! I miss the other stuff too though!



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Haha....my god what have I created here!!?? This is not a booty call thread people!! My innocent eyes!!!


Miss Lit...not yet! For real! I miss anything to do with him, sex was obviously one of those things I guess, but really haven't been thinking of it at all or missing it! My ex also said something about sex when I was in my crazy hysterical sleep deprived state at his house post break up which I think has numbed me a little to my feelings about it.

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Aww....thanks Lit. Yeah....I'm not gonna let it rule my life and set up a game plan or anything...but there was nothing "wrong" per se with our relationship, just he has got bogged down in grief etc. And he is a great guy. Very funny too. He laughed me into bed! It's 1am here. Damn...NOW I miss the sex!

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