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Sexy voice?


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So today I was talking on the phone to a customer of mine and she told me that I had a really sexy phone voice, lol. I never really thought of myself having a sexy voice. In any case... has anyone ever experienced this? I've never thought too much about the voices I'm attracted to.






What if this was the guy on the other end:

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Yes. People act in their own self interest. I have been sold the same multiple times when I was simply trying to set an appointment for inspection.


Could there have been any motivation behind their statements?? Probably. There may or may not have been any motivation behind your clients statements.

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So today I was talking on the phone to a customer of mine and she told me that I had a really sexy phone voice, lol. I never really thought of myself having a sexy voice. In any case... has anyone ever experienced this? I've never thought too much about the voices I'm attracted to.






What if this was the guy on the other end


I'd hit it.


I'm just kidding


Not really

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When I worked in the office in retail, I had to answer the phone until the cashiers came in. One morning a guy from a radio station called to talk to the store manager. At the time we were required to say.... "Good morining and thank you for calling xx, where custome framing is 50% until Saturday, this is X, how may I help you." My boss took the call in my office and at the end of her conversation, she handed the phone to back to me and said he would like to speak to me. He asked me if I was interested in radio because I had a voice like velvet and I wouuld melt the hearts of men everywhere. THAT was a nice compliment.


My son used to host a 3 hour long internet radio show and they had an mic chat that went along with the show so the listeners could chat while listening. One time he was doing a paraody of something like the 'state of the state' address and wanted me to introduce him on air. It was something like 'ladies and gentlemen... and went on for a few sentences (he wrote it). After I made his introduction, a couple of the chatters were saying, Dude, who was THAT, she sounds hot, etc.... My son immediately breaks character and says 'Hey, that's my mom! knock it off!'


Funny how the voice in my head doesn't sound that great -- but I'm glad for the compliments!

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I sound like a kid. Always have. When i was 19 and still living at home i'd pick up the phone to call solicitors and they'd ask to speak to my Mommy.


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, that always was a point of contention.


I'm over it now.


haha..this cashier cursed at me yesterday and told me to speak the f up and stop talking like a little kid

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I work in sales/customer service. So yes, anything to make myself attractive helps frankly. I've helped this customer before, she has met me, I feel we are both attracted to each other on a physical level, but frankly she's a bit of a high maintainence nightmare emotionally. Maybe she's trying to break the ice? Who knows, again it doesn't matter b/c I'm not interested. Still, it was nice to be noticed for my voice.



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