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Is it cheating??


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Is it cheating if my girlfriend... umm made out with another girl?? I am 17, and she is 16, and I looked at it as experimental... I don't think she was looking to hurt me or anything, but I don't think she thought too much about it. Well it kinda bugs me. Is it cheating???


Asking for another's help.

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Depends on what your definition of cheating is dear. Everyone views cheating a little differently. i suppose, yes it was cheating, (though i'll be hardpressed to find many guys who don't fantasize about their g/f's and another girl.) And is this incident terribly upsetting to you??

It appears innocent enough, but if it happens more, then i would raise my hackles.

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i would think of it as cheating, but thats just me. guy or girl, it doesn't matter who she made out with. she could go "experiment" with a bunch of different guys. it really all matters what you think though. if it bothers you, then you should talk to her about it. if you think of it as cheating, then you should talk to her about it so that she doesn't continue to do it. what exactly is she experimenting any way? if its funner to kiss guys or girls? she doesn't need to experiment that because if shes with you, she should be making out with you & not other people. i don't think she was trying to hurt you by doing that either, but that doesn't make it ok to make out with other people. i guess it all depends on how you feel though & if you would consider it cheating.

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hey ForAnother


as the others have said. its how you define cheating. consider the values which make up a relationship, and where you would draw the line. some people are less sensitive than others, and some draw the line at the very first signs of infidelity, even if it would seem harmless to others.


my own opinion would see it as cheating, as i would see "experimental" as no excuse for breaking trust. think about this carefully, and whatever you decide make sure your putting your own feelings first, because if she was able to do it once, she might do it again. keep your mind alert and if you still have doubts then end it before you get too involved.


good luck to you



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i believe its correct in saying it depends on how far and what you see as cheating, its simply different for everyone.

in my eyes it would remain to be seen as cheating. and the reason i see that is because it was someone completely different and not you she was with this is generally how i would feel about anything.


do you feel comfortable with this?


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I know this may sound a bit outlandish, but how would she feel if you kissed another man, would that be cheating to her. If not then you two may have a different kind of relationship than most. The fact that she's so young worried me that she felt the urge to get close with anoter woman at such a young age. This is how a lot of bisexual stuff gets started. And if it makes you uncomfortable, or if she didnt do it in front of you, then not only is it cheating but its something to be very cautious about. Maybe she is not sure about her sexuality? Or maybe she's influenced by all this nasty stuff on television that condons homosexuality, as if it was something the bible agree's with. I don't know about that, all I know is yes it is definetely cheating, and more.

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hmm, I talked to her about it. (I kinda have a bad memory) but she told me she and her kissed for "like 2 seconds." It bothers me... I don't think about it alot but, it just kinda concerns me. yes I feel cheated, but I love her enough to let that go. i don't know, it isn't strong enough for me to break it with her. They have been friends for so long, and I suppose they have always kinda been like this. So... I don't know. My girlfriend is kinda rowdy, she done some drugs in her past, so have I... so we share some craziness, but I always been kinda curious. My last girlfriend was kinda the same way... but like 3 weeks in she was like, "lemme put you on hold, cuz I wanna see if I am or not." so i broke with her. I dunno... I need to just talk to her again, so I am comfortable and I guess I will do the "do it again and I drop you" deal. Cuz I wouldn't constitute it so much as cheating... girls are generally just "closer" with one another. I am gonna talk a bit more and see how things go. Thank you all for your advice... kinda interesting you all view it as cheating... worries me some but I dunno I trust her alot...


Thank you from another.

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