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Shes going home, do I go for broke?

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Hi guys,


Been seeing a girl for a few months, i really like, and I mean REALLY like. I think she likes me too but maybe not as much, im not sure.


Fact is I live in the UK and shes from Poland and shes been working over here for the last six months, sadly shes going home for good in a couple of weeks.


Now I have had many relationships and I can honestly say I havent felt for any of my other girlfriends what i feel for this girl.


I suppose what I want to know is should I go for it and tell her my true feelings and that even though shes going home I would like try and maintain our relationship and if it all goes well maybe in future we can be together permantly?


Never in my 31 years have I felt like this, maybe I wont again, thats what makes me want to go for it, I have nothing to lose right, if shes says no then at least I will know, If i dont go for it I will always be wondering?


Any advice appreciated as I dont know what to do, listen to my head or heart!

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I think you hit it right on the head. You have nothing to lose. She is already leaving and if you don't tell her how you really feel she may figure you don't really want the relationship to continue.


You are right, if she says no at least you will know. Yes, it will hurt - but you won't spend months or years wondering.


I say tell her. And good luck!

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hey waynerwanyer.


this seems new to me where you in my eyes have answered your own advice request.

from what i have seen you are speaking from both your heart and your head. i see it in the same sense as you, this is an open oppotunty to you in which you shouldnt miss.

however i disagree n one point, you say you dont have anything to loose, you do thugh. if you dont tell her you could loose her and in the way you speak you seem to have your heart set on her and have thought already of the future.

from what i have noted i would honestly let her understand how you feel dony loose her because she lives somewhere different, relationships that are strong always stand by each other.


good luck if you go ahead with this (i would)


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