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How to behave when you meet your ex?

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In about three-four weeks my ex-girlfriend will call me so she can return my wardrobe and my Playstation when she gets her apartment back. But what should I say to her. I know that it’s not the way to go to talk about the relationship but it’s still many loose ends that most be fixed. The best way is to say nothing, just let her lead the conversation. If she wants to talk about us, she may.


If I don’t see now signs of her wanting to talk about us, I just let her know that we should be friends and that we should hang out and stick to my plan. Our relationship was based on friendship and I can likely get her back that way and I know what she desire. Me listing to her and show that I have a life without her. I’m working on the last and try to build up a new network consisting of old classmates and new ones. But still. This meeting will be very freighting because we will not have seen each other for three months.


Any tips how behave in this first “Life” contact after ha break-up?

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i know that, whatever happens or whatever is said, do not cry or beg.


I know that. I have not cried or begged her to take me back, or wait. I did it when she said she wanted to think about our relationship, but it was in a mail to her. The result was that she sleept with another guy. She was not affraid of loosing me. Last time I talked to her I just asked her about "why" she left me and I got a broader picture. When she dumped me she just told me all those "Hollywood" lines and I was cool about everything. In fact. I will not "F..k" this up.

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Brim with confidence. Shine with happiness. Glow with courage..let her see the man you intend to be..


She will most likely have this sad serious tone in her voice. Asking me to sit down and talk to her. Sitting there in her (former ours) small apartment. If I come with this happy attitude it can be very contra productive. If I’m neutral, I will only be distant. I don’t think we have everything on the table. She is bloody confused about us. She don’t want me but she want to sit down talk to me? This will be very uncomfortable.

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Just be yourself around her. Why put on the act. Talk to her if you want to. But I would advise against bringing up the relationship.


Last time I spoke to her I did everything by the book. I wanted just to meet and hang out but she started to say that we should “talk” about us and later in the conversation she started to talk about us and then I did half wrong in everything I said to her. But it was a giving conversation, I know more "facts" about why she left me. It was not only that she fell out of love for me.


When we meet she will first be “cold” as hell, asking me how everything is going and pity me. Soon after that she will bring the relationship up and I will go for the fish and everything will be a blur. If I’m cool with her, our conversation will be over after 15 minutes. I will just take my stuff, say to her that everything is cool and walk out and I will not see her again for a very long time.

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