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Am I crazy? What is wrong with me?

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Hi, I have posted my story about my breakup with my ex, and another post about the anxiety attacks I get. Even though this relationship was over a long time ago, I keep asking my ex questions, apparently the same questions over and over again. I don't understand what is wrong with me. I get mad when she says 'I dont know' to something. She just accepts what happened and leaves it as that where I can't. I don't understand. It isn't like I am trying to get back together, but it is like I am obsessive about it and I really don't want to be. It is bringing me down. Am I crazy? Why do I keep asking the same questions over and over. I swear I can't even remember her answers. . .

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Hi dude,


Well I dunno what sort of personality you got but people who have a lack of self esteem or confidence in themselves are often the ones who feel like this (myself included on many occasions!) whilst others seem to not even think about it, I think its cos they have enough confidence to think about the future and the new people they are going to meet instead of thinking about an old relationship.


Of course I might be talking rubbish but thats my view, it always seems to hit me harder than the other person when girlfriends and I have broken up, so I think its a personality trait rather than the actual feelings for someone (though this is obviusly a factor).


Bottom line: Nothing you can do, it will pass with time, just try and find some dates to take your mind of her, works for me.


Good Luck

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Hey Boromir,

I just want to let you know, that your not crazy... I think we question things after a break-up. To baiscally figure out why things worked out as they did... What went wrong? How did this happen? By questioning, I don't know if it is an exactly a good thing, because it will bring up old emotions. If your questions havent been answered by now, its probably best to let them go...

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You are definitely not crazy. However, you may keep repeating yourself because you are not getting the answers you wanted. You should really let the obsessive thinking go, because you are only harming yourself. It could also have just become a habit now.

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Doll, your not crazy, you want closure. maybe the question you ask over and over again isn't worded the way she can respond to it. Maybe if you took the time to figure out what you NEED to know, write it all down, and organize it, you can create a way to ask her what you want, without seeming too redundent. Then, if you still ca n't get the answer to your question....maybe your question is rhetorical, and you don't notice it. i hope this helps a little love.

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