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Tell Him Everything?

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I've been head over heels for this guy for the past 2 years or so. This year, we became better friends, but my feelings increased for him quite a bit too. Unfortunately, he only views me as a friend and has no idea of anything that I feel for him. I don't want to lose the friendship we've gained, but at the same time I keep wondering if there could be anything there. Worst thing is, he leaves in May, should I tell him, or just keep the friendship secure?

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I would advise you to just keep this friendship secure. You have a wonderful friendship with this person and I am sure you want him to leave with a positive memory of you. Don't set yurself up for heartbreak. If this guy only sees you as a cherished and valued friend, I would try as hard as you can to keep it in that state.

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I have a little different opinion than Mermayd or rather more detailed.


Before you decide anything, think of what you really expect out of more than having the friendship you share. If you can't really figure out something, then, yes, Mermayd is right.


If you want more than that, though and you figured out why, try to figure out if he is ever gonna come back and if so, when. Based on that, you might want to tell him how you feel. There might be a chance and he might refrain from starting to date other people, because he knows YOU are waiting for him.


Try to work out every detail. This seems to be VERY important for you. If needed, grab pen and paper to help you with this and write down everything: feelings, thoughts and ideas.


I hope this helped. Questions? Let me know... Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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