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Anxiety over loosing your loved one..


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Does anyone here get anxious about loosing your loved one/ones?


I suffer anxiety in general but lately have been getting quite worked up when I think about the day I loose my bf.


I KNOW it is not the right thing to be thinking about, but some days I get so worked up to know that one day he is just not going to be here anymore.


Anyone else do this??



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Right on the same page with you. I went through an issue with death from a young age, for no particular reason. During my teenage years I would sit and constantly cry about what would happen when my mum and dad die. And of course, when I found a boyfriend who I loved I worried even more to the point where I would feel sick from crying so much about it. I would worry that he was going to get run over, I would always tell him to "watch the roads" when he went to work. Then I got counselling and specifically worked on my issue with death. Now I have a huge tattoo of a female grim reaper on my arm to show that I carry death around on my every day and I am no longer afraid of it.


Now, how did I get over it? I turned and had a look into spirituality. I am not meaning religion, I am not religious at all. But I looked into the possibility of life after death and found that there is a lot of evidence of it. I am a white witch so I do spells and help people and I am very spiritual. I went to a medium who told me about some of my family who have passed and I feel there is definitely an after life now. This comforted me a lot, because in the after life you reunite with your loved ones. Everyone you love is there. So when your bf goes, and you go, you will reunite in the spiritual world. So you will never actually be apart. Now, I guess this is only comforting if you believe in the afterlife. Maybe you could look into it? I am unsure what your beliefs are.


I also decided that instead of sitting crying about death, I would go out and LIVE. So next time you are getting upset about it, try and arrange something happy to do with your bf. And look forward to that! Look forward to spending time with your loved ones. Then when they do pass, you will have so many happy memories to look back on.

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