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Are WE making progress?


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Day 47...we broke up 47 days ago.




It's been awhile since I've been on here.


We've had our good moments our not so good moments.


We hadn't seen each other for about 2 weeks until monday. She decided during one of our phone conversations that she wanted to hang out on monday and tuesday.


To fill you in on what has been going on for the last 3 weeks. We've had a couple of arguments on the phone a couple weeks ago...due to her having these huge mood swings. She always seemed to come back with a sweet text message being nice and cute...but not really apologizing. Then...I decided that I would go from light contact to no contact...from my end. Then, low and behold...she contacted me more than ever before. Of course I would respond to her...I love her. Then, we seemed to be much nicer to each other...at least she was much nicer to me after that.


Then...on sunday, she called me and she was being very mature and balanced. See, she had been either one of two different ways with me on the phone, 1: Moody, mean...bothered...even though she called me. 2: Super nice, sweet, and loving...acting like my girlfriend. Sunday...she acted very mature. She said, "I want to hang out on monday and tuesday, what do you think? ...If you're not busy." I said, "Sounds nice...and you know I'm not too busy." She said, "I know Eddie, but I know I have the control over this situation and I don't want you to think that you're at my beckining call and I only want to see you on my time."


Side note: Saturday night she texted me about her weight. She said, "I'm heavier than ever before." I texted, "I don't care. I think your beautiful. I love you the way you are. " We went on for about a half an hour and she mentioned that she wanted to kill herself and that she wanted to die!!!!! All through texting. I cheered her up and told her that she has to stop saying that and that she's beautiful.


I'm telling you guys....that was sooooooo ruff on my mind! That's letting me know that we didn't break up because of me.....she's really having a ruff time emotionally.


She came over on monday...when she got here she was stand-offish...and kind of being miserable for no reason. I mean...she calls me 3 times a day and we talk....so I was like, "Cindy...relax! What's the problem?" She said, "I'm just in a bad mood!" Me, "Well, you can go home." She, "No." She was acting like a miserable teenager. Then we ate dinner and watched a movie on my bed...she started feeling better and being ruff/grabbie with me and wrestling with me. Then I got her to give me little kisses for pieces of candy. I walked her to her car and gave her a sweet little kiss. On the way home she texted me, "Thank you!" and later texted me, "Im going to lose weight. I promise." I said, "You don't need to. You're beautiful just the way you are." When she got home she called me and when I picked up the phone I said, "Hello" and she said, "I love you."


Then...she came over yesterday, and just before she got here she was in another bad mood and called me and said, "Are you sure you wanna hang out?" ....agian with the bad mood. She came over and I got her to relax and we had another nice time. We kissed a little more but she revealed to me that she knows im not meaning to, but she wants to take it at her own pace. I understood. I walked her to her car and I was holding her hips and she planted an awesome kiss on me and smiled! She sat in her car and said, "If you just let me do things at my own pace, then the kisses will more than likely be more passionate." ....Then before she left she said, "I'm going to work out and lose weight. I promise." I'm like.......Huh? I don't get it.


So.........what's going on guys? What do you think? Are we slowly getting back together? It sure seems like whatever I'm doing is working.... I may not see her again for a little while...she lives 70 miles away and she's busy...also...maybe taking another breather will be even better for us?

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Last night she called me at 11:30 pm.


Very nice conversation.


She said, "I miss your face!!!!" I was like, "Yeah?!!" She said, "Do you miss mine?" I said, "Of course!"


We went on to explain how our days went.


Then at one point in time she said, "I'm so glad my mom is friends with a lawyer. That way when I want a divorce from you...it'll be really cheap!" : she started laughing.


I said, "Divorce! On what grounds?" She said, "If you get too many freckles!"


Then she said, "Well...IF there's a marriage...." I said, "Well, I don't see why not."


Very cute conversation. .......things are looking pretty good right now.


I have to brace myself for her mood swings though....life is an adventure with this woman!!!!!!! ....but, things look so much better than they did 47 days ago. SHE talked about a marriage...not ME. SHE talks about a relationship...not ME. We were engaged and had wedding plans for August.




She texted me again this morning saying she wasn't substitute teaching.


I texted her, "Jeez. That sucks."


She texted, "Oh it's okay. I'm getting ready to work out."


I texted, "Nice! Get sweaty for me!


She texted, "K!" I responded with, "Damn thats sexy!"


Well, I was over on the Breaking Up forum since the start of February. The thread is named "Need advice" if you want to read it, but I figured I should come over here...things look better now...I think things are switching?

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Well, she's not a wacko...


She did move out 2 months ago beacuse she said she was confused and disgusted with herself...she said she was tired of being unstable and driving me crazy. It didn't get bad until november when she couldn't find work as a teacher and her bills were getting out of control.


She's going through issues...and being the man that asked her to marry me, I can't run away from her...and believe me...she's much better now than she was a month and a half ago.

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She texted me at 4:30 pm, "I'll call you after work...


I even received a smiley face... the first smiley face in a while, since the break up.


I know that doesn't matter, I'm grown...but the last time I got a smiley face we were still engaged. HaHaHa... I'm silly.

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