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first night did good??


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Well Saturday I meet my Best Friend Cuz Laura and her finace Rob and also I meet Laura Brother Chris. But Chris boss called him in to work he was suppose to be off. So he already seen pic of me and said I was good looking.


So we all meet together except her Brother Chris we all went to the pizza shop and i meet him there. Well it was good i was shy he made me laugh and all.


Well get to the point his sister emailing me telling me when we left that night the first thing was Does Nicole like me? Then she said he said guy thing. "She does have nice body and butt. Then he also said she is really sweet girl and I WANT TO GET TO KNOW HER BETTER.



When guyz say these things what are they really meaning?????


any tips will be really apreicate



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Thanks everyone, Well my best friend Holly is cousie with Laura and Chris. So Chris told his sister Laura that he wants to get to know me better and i have nice body and butt. I did tell Laura that I did like me. But the only problem is that he didnt get off of work until 11 that night and we went pick him up and we were there like other hour and half...But I did started to get sick so it was kinda hard.


But he did say when we did left we have to do this other time I will make sure i am off so we all can go out somewhere. Does that mean something???? We are planning on going out there on December 6.



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