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Weird turn OFF's ?


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LOL that's me nicely summed up there


It's official, I'M A TURNOFF! lol


Hehe. What are you doing online, shouldn't you be down at the local or something? lol





For me it's:

-long hair.

-Body odor. (breath, underarms, feet)

-kissing after eating stuff which leaves aftertaste.

-as someone said: someone who gets trashed every weekend. And also smoking cigs/weed heavily.

(Deal breakers).

-bad teeth is on this list for me as well! Lol.

I'm sure I will think of a few later..


Well my hair is long but I am a metal-head muso so yeah. Counts me out. Some girls I know like guys with long hair some don't.

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Lol, yeah, I love reading these types of post because I try to count how many turn-offs I violate. I think my record is like 22 people in one thread identifying characteristics that I have as turn-offs, lol.


Lets see, I have a lil past shoulder-length hair, I'm not always clean shaven, I alternate between glasses and contacts (not black-rimmed ones though, the ones with the clear frames or w/e), I'm 6' ft 160 lbs but I have smallish hands (boo!), I sometimes act immature, I'm fairly pessimistic about people in general but I am known for being the funny guy. Haha, such a crappy combo at times I suppose.


My turn offs:

- Girls with short hair (Sorry, lol, since you women are hating on my hair, gotta hate on some of yours)

- Girls with the straightish bangs, you know, like long hair but straight bangs that aren't styled or anything.

- Girls who don't like music with substance, something outside of the crap they play on the radio now

- Girls who think brand names should some how = respect.

- Girls who think it's cute to ask 45606854 questions during a movie neither of us has seen, so that she makes me miss it when I couldn't answer it even if I wanted to.

- Girls who constantly play the pity card, IE "Why can't I meet a nice guy" when they are constantly dating idiots. Reap what you sow IMO.

- Loud girls, especially drunken loud girls.

- Attractive women that are incredibly arrogant because of it.

- Women who dislike Alice in Chains.

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Hmmmmmmm..... My turn off's would be ( Get ready for this)


1) Bad hygenine

2) bad teeth ( but that would be considered hygenine)

3) Fungas in the nails ( Vomits)

4) kissing right after receving oral sex

5) kissing when just woken up ( come on please at least wait after u brush ur teeth)

6) alcoholic's, drug users etc.

7) When the guy makes plans and ask u to pick the day and then only spends 2 hours with u instead of the whole day.)

8) Long Hair ( Sorry guys)

9) Guys that like to have sex when the women is on her monthly. ( Sorry I know Gross)

10) Guys that are gassy when they go to bed.


I'm sure I'll think of some more along the way.

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  • 5 months later...

I don't know really, probably a few for me are,


1. Like JonathanJonathan said "Cactus Legs" haha

2. Feet, they're like deformed hands *boke*, socks are a must with me lol

3. Bad Grammar, especially when texting, it's a pain in the ass.


I lik it when a girl uses my patter though. Like when my ex began to use words like Ledge, the boy, stingin', truuuust, it was cute.

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I hate girls that are overweight


IGNORANCE ](*,) !!!!!!


Girls who get angry easily and are not agreeable.


Bad odors, she better use deodorant and perfume


It's kinda funny but something that is a little bit of a turn on for me is slightly crooked teeth. It just seems to be a little more natural and cute for some reason. Though straight teeth is just as nice. Seems to be a Japanese concept though Not many Americans would voluntarily have crooked teeth.


(BTW the girl below is a professional singer and actor, even though she has crooked teeth!)

image removed

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I think its called shrimp cocktail when the girls toes hang over the edge of the sandal or shoe because there too small or too big....lol I dunno why but that annoys me like crazy.



but i dont like feet in general so that might be the reason behind this.

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