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Bad Karma - am I gathering it?

Clementine orange

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I'm currently in (at least I think I'm still in it) an incredibly turmuluous on-again/off- again, insanely crazy "relationship" with a woman. It's so over all over the map that I hesitate to call her my g/f as such. Half the time I don't really know what's going on and I'm basically just going with the flow.

In general I'm fine with that since I'm crazy busy and don't have time for a "normal" relationship anyway. If the "relationship" dried up and floated away then I wouldn't really be too hurt about it to be honest (sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth)


Anyway, I just found out that I'm the "rebound" guy. In fact I think there might have been some "overlap" there that I wasn't even aware of. To make things even worse I actually know the guy. Not well at all but I know who he is. However, I have just found out that he is really badly hurting from the fall out of his failed relationship with her.


Now, I've been dumped a number of times and in each occasion some other "lucky bastard" got to be a rebound and I was in agony. Now the roles are rehearsed but I actually feel really bad for this guy. He's hurting big time.


Am I gathering massive bad karma or is all fair in love and war? Or have I already "paid" for this in advance and now am reaping the benefits of previous bad luck?


Note: I feel pretty bad for this guy but probably not bad enough to end things even though sometimes I think I want to. I doubt I will get 'burned" or heartbroken by this since I know in my heart that this relationship does not have legs or is long term.


Has anyone ever felt sympathy or whatever for their partner's previous partners?

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He's hurting but so will you be if you end up same as him. She is very erratic and she may drop you just like she did him. In response to your question his problem is not your problem but it may be a sign of bad times headed your way not because of karma or bad luck which I don't believe in, but because of what it says about this girl you are involved with.

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He's hurting but so will you be if you end up same as him. She is very erratic and she may drop you just like she did him. In response to your question his problem is not your problem but it may be a sign of bad times headed your way not because of karma or bad luck which I don't believe in, but because of what it says about this girl you are involved with.


Well it seems to be my destiny to get involved with horrible women so....what else is new? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she dropped me like a hot potatoe. I'm just being really careful not to get too emotionally involved.

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Well it seems to be my destiny to get involved with horrible women so....what else is new? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she dropped me like a hot potatoe. I'm just being really careful not to get too emotionally involved.


It's not destiny no one is forcing you to get involved with horrible woman. If she treated him poorly she will do the same with you and you shouldnt get involved. If she just broke it off with him because they werent compatible or something but she wasnt mean about it then it should be fine. If you continue with a woman that treats guys like dirty you are making your own destiny.

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There's no problem, I just feel kinda bad for the other guy - apparently he's heartbroken, kinda getting screwed over by her (she can be cruel and heartless I gather) and I don't know, the fact that I know him doesn't help.


well, you are not in a relationship with this guy, so it's not really your concern.


why are you with this woman you characterize as 'cruel and heartless' though and you say you wouldn't mind if the relationship disappeared? sounds like you aren't so into her anyways, and shouldn't be. if you are really lonely and bored, i'm not so sure this 'cruel heartless' woman is right for you anyways.

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