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he has a long term girlfriend which i'd never come between..

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I'm not sure what to do anymore, i've recently met this guy and we get on really well, i really feel myself with him and we have so much in common it's strange. And people always say that we'd be a perfect couple but the thing is he has a long term girlfriend which i'd never come between at all.


But i don't know how to act around him anymore, we hang out a lot now and i really enjoy his company, but this week he told my sister how he would never cheat on his girlfriend and the only way it would end would be if she were to do it. But if he were single he said i'd be the only girl worth chasing here.


I wouldn't even consider coming between the two but things are becoming akward now that i know this but i don't want to have to stop seeing him. Is there any easy way to deal with this? Or has anyone been in a similar situation?

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I think this guy is out of bounds.At least for now.


You've already stated that you dont want to come in between the two of them,and i think this is wise,otherwise things could get ugly.


I think you need to find out if there are any feelings on his part and perhaps take it from there,but he said he would never cheat on his gf and that the relationship will only end if SHE finishes it. Sorry but this sounds like excuses to me.-He's not going to cheat on her and he's not going to finish with her for you is basically what he's saying,and he has said it to your sister to avoid saying it to you.


I wouldnt take these as particularly good signs,i think you should try and move on,it doesnt seem like this guy is all that into you otherwise he would have done something about it.Dont waste your time girl!! get out there and find someone that you can have and is available to be yours,otherwise you could be in for a long wait.


Hope i helped,sorry if it sounded harsh,but i hate to think that you are wasting your precious time!

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I agree in the main with buffalosoldier.


During the time you're waiting to see if anything happens with his gf... he's got his gf, and he's having fun with you as a friend, hanging out. In the meantime you're getting more emotionally involved with him and limiting your own horizons.


Whether he's simply indecisive, is looking at you as a "just in case," or has stronger feelings for you really isn't very relevent as long as he's involved in a relationship. Until or unless he is free and makes a deeper intention known, stick with viewing him as a friend, and make sure you make time to see available guys you can hit it off with instead of wondering if his status will change.

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couture - I am in a very similair situation, except Im the one in a relationship, with a guy at work that I would love to be dating otherwise!


BUT we are just friends, I don't want to leave my dbf, b/c someone came along, I mean my boyfriend is GREAT, and I don't want to lose that. NOW if our relationship starts to suck, and Im unhappy, I will leave the relationship, then I can see what is available, but not before.


He very well may like you, but LOVES his gf, by telling your sis that, he's setting up some boundries for you and him.


Good luck!

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