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Do I have to shower?

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Shower before the workout?? Not where I go. They have a shower there but, I would rather go home and take one in my own shower. I agree that I don't want to get naked in front of the tanks either. LOL


You do what you feel comfortable doing. I personally would rather shower home.



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Idunno said "who showers before working out?" Yeah that's what I thought, seems kinda pointless.


Avman, yeah I'm sure they weren't hitting the pool, I saw them come out of the showers and hit the gym equipment. I don't know, they looked like college boys, might not have decent showers in their frat or something.


hubman01, yeah I'm not going to shower at all then. I don't think it's part of the rules, was just curious.


Thanks fellas

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That's some of the weirdest sh*t I ever heard. At the gym I go to, there are showers, but I think the only people that use them are people that go to workout before work or maybe if they are in a hurry to go somewhere. By the way...are you sure those guys aren't taking showers TOGETHER? Ha ha ha!!!

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Maybe I'm just from Kansas and we do things a little backward here, but what's the big deal with the whole shower thing. Around here you always shower after you work out. Talk about chicks that stopped to watch you play racket ball, how great that last basketball game was, that chick you're trying to impress at work, laugh about how so and so was stupid enough to bench with out a spotter and got pined to the bench. Maybe it's just that we don't have any nightlife, and the only place you really get to talk is in the gym. No one really cares around here. It is strange to take a shower before you workout though.


Just a little useless information. Gum mean nude in Greek, and gymnaphobia is the fear of being naked.

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Some people do aerobics or come off of work real sweaty and need to get cleaned up a little if they have B.O.


but i havent noticed anyone in my gym showering before working out, you sure they are not just going into the shower rooms to change cloths? and get into their gym gear?


As for showering in front of others, I dont, I shower at home.

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  • 4 years later...

"Workout Tip: A Hot Shower Just Before Working Out Cuts Warm-up Time

Showering Opens Pores & Accelerates Heart Rate Before Workout Starts"




Do you work out regularly? Work out at all? Good for you! Keep it up! Don't ever stop!


When you go to work out, do you ever dread the effort of getting warmed up? Hate the uphill slog from cold bones until you finally work up a decent sweat?


Here's a tip: Try taking a hot shower for a few minutes just before working out.


This serves to open your skin's pores, and sends a message to your heart to start ramping up ahead of time for your workout. When you hit the gym you will probably start to sweat right away, and the stress from the hot water will have already gotten your heart rate up also.


Warning: Do not use this as an excuse to shorten your workout. Nothing beats real effort. Consult with your physician before trying this. Do at your own risk. Don't do this if you have any cardiac or vascular condition, or if you're allergic to water!


Have fun! And keep working out!"

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Maybe they're a bit dehydrated from all the roids, jokes. No some avid fitness freaks do believe whats written above...


Sounds a bit strange though, I only shower at the gym after my workout, but the gym I use has shower cubicles so no nekkidness for me

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i shower before workouts sometimes. usually not though. but i shower when i get home after working out. i don't know what all is in those gym showers. i clean my bathroom so i know it's nice. more than half of the people that go to the gym don't shower there. i'd imagine some people do it to save money at their house, are going out after working out, going to work after the gym, just want to get it over with, etc.

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