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When guyz say they think...


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When guy say they think girl is cute and good looking but only through pics. I am meeting my Best Friends Cousins on Saturday When is guy he will be 21 in couple of months i will be 21 in Feb. He see my pics and thought i was adorate and all. But how can I reallt get him to like me. Like maybe as be couple. I really am looking for boyfriend I do care for. My best friend said that dont think too much she doesnt want me to get hurt or him, I guess I am counting the stars but even seeing the night time. When I do meet him how can i impress even more??

We all are going out to dinner that Saturday I dont want him to pay, If he does offer does that mean he wants to be more or what??



Please help me any tips i would really appriecate



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well considering you never meet him in real life "physical form" you can't really get to know him, of course he can say "your attractive" cause guys are all about looks, and women know that, *the power or good make-up* ok just some humor...but really getting to know someone takes time, if he takes all of you for dinner and pays for it all, it could just mean he is generous enough to do that sort of thing, Now a way to tell would be to see how he reacts to you in person, meaning the art of being very observant, mastering how and what to look for will help you understand him more.


See Women have the power to use a "acute chemical sensory" better than guys, and US guys send out these hidden chemical signs while we talk, or conversation with girls, like that feeling you get when someone likes you..., you just know it...and you say to yourself "oh i just know he likes me" that is because your chemical sensory is very attentive, unconsciously of course..you don't realize this, but you know what to look for, and if you don't your body will...just be yourself and see what happens.

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Just be yourself and have fun.

Don't be so hung up on finding a boyfriend. You don't even know the guy, and you are trying to find some way to get him to want to be with you. Get to know him before you decide that he is going to be someone you care about.

Any decent guy will offer to pay out of respect. You should be more worried if he doesn't offer. If you don't want him to, politely decline and claim it as a "first date rule" or something.

Have a good time and relax.

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