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please offer me your opinion on my ring dilemma....


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Hey, so here's a question for you. My Mom died of breast cancer a few years back and her ring was passed down to my sister. Well I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend Robyn soon and my sister offered me the ring. I already have a ring picked out that through past conversations I know Robyn would love for it's physical features. It's platinum, she's not a big fan of gold, and it would be close to 1 carrot in size. Now my Mom's ring is gold and is a much smaller diamond .40. My Dad didn't have a whole lot of money back then. Now of course my Mom's has great sentimental value to it. And I know everyone(my family) would like to see Robyn have it because my Mom would have really liked her. So the question is what to do? Keep in mind Robyn never new my Mom. I don't know what goes on in women's minds so maybe you can give me some advice? Help!

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hey SOS.

welcome to enotalone.

i think the decision shouldnt be taken lightly. as you say that she never knew you mum, how much did she know of her. i feel that any woman would see that as a very personal, moving and rewarding choice of ring. but is it the right decision to make for you. you say ts passed down. i feel that if you love this girl then go for it. your family would like to see her have it, your mum im guessing would have if you like this woman enought to marry her.


how close is she to the family? and how will you feel personally about giving her this ring?



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I feel like it would make the moment all that much better to give her my mum's ring. I'm just worried that her dream ring is the one I've picked out (she picked out). Am I not giving her enough credit? I guess you already said all I need to know "i feel that any woman would see that as a very personal, moving and rewarding choice of ring."

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Most girls I've known would be more impressed and touched with the sentiment than in any appearance, I know I would be! You know your girlfriend better than anyone - if she has a romantic bone in her body, it would be hard not to be deeply touched by the meaning of getting your mom's ring. Does she like gifts with a "personal touch" more than expensive ones? If so, she'd probably treasure your mom's ring more than any you could pick for her from a store.

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I say give her your moms ring, I think the sentimental value if nothing else will get her. Maybe you could have a bigger diamond mounted in it? then have the original diamond put as a baguette or saved for the wedding ring. And about the platinum, the reason she wants a platinum ring is b/c that is what is in style right now, and styles don't last forever!


Yeah I would replace the diamond with a new, big one.


Good luck!

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I little set up to see how you're girl thinks about the ring. Sometime when you're around your sister bring up the subject of you getting engaged. Have her sudjest that you give her you're mum ring and watch her face. you probably know how to spot a fake smile on your girl right?


Just incase you don't here's a little advice.






very bad

hard to tell... a little too much smileing

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Have you considered the third option? To give her both?


The new ring for your future together.

The old one to strengthen your bond with the past.


I've seen and know of many women who wear more than one ring, the wedding ring (and engagement ring) of course have particular meanings, the other's have great sentimental value.

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OMG! How romantic. The ring truly is symbolic of your love for her. I wound't even change it if I were you. Keep it the way that it is.


Although, your father couldn't afford a bigger diamond, it's so precious that he gave it with all of his heart. Now you'll do the same, and give it with all of your heart.


It's especially meaningful b/c you quoted that your family thinks that your mother would've loved Robin!


She will fall in love with it! How sweet. Good luck on the proposal!

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