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I don't really want to give anyone a back story of my life or wax pathetic about things...


Simply, I have found myself, for a long time now, at a crossroads in my life. This should be an exciting or even stressful time in my life, but my hearts not beating out of my chest or anything.


I don't like any of my options, and I really don't have the muster to just pick a road and walk down it. I just want to lie down and sleep for a long time.


I just want to give up. I want to disappear, and I want to be left alone.


And, even if its anonymously, I wanted to tell a number of people.

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I have felt the same way after giving all of my love and devotion to someone who turned around and gave her energy to someone else.


This is actually a sign of depression. Sometimes the only way to pull out of this is to see a doctor. There are medicines for re balancing the chemicals in the brain so that you actually FEEL like doing something.


But honestly the medicines are partly just a band aid, they cover up the mental processes that lead to depression in the first place.


It usually starts at a young age when the child is forced into an unnatural relationship with the adults in their life.


You have to look back over your early life to see what patterns got started there, and ask your self how a healthy person would have handled those situations.


Then go back and imagine how your life might have turned out a lot different if you had handled things THAT way.

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