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Worst Date Ever


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I thought it would be quite amusing if we could all share our worse dating experience. So whats yours?


Here is mine....


I was 18, and this cute guy I had been wanting to go out with finally asked me out. So he picked me up and we were on our way. We stopped at a corner store to pick up some snacks. He said he was going to take me to a drive in that was about 30 minutes out of town and I had never been so I said ok. He came out of the store with liquor and a small bag of chips. Not wanting to rock the boat, I just let it slide about the alcohol. Anyway, We are driving and it is becoming more and more secluded....I must admit I started to get a bit nervous. After about 20 minutes of driving, we end up at this drive in, but it is one screen and is hidden behind a high fence. As we drive in I notice only a handful of cars in the drive lane....we stop to pay and it came out to about 25 dollars. I thought this was rather extreme for a drive in. We drive into the slot and he starts drinking...he is quiet and is drinking quick and alot. So i try to make small talk....he is still quiet. So the movie comes on and to my horror, it is PORN! Im sitting there thinking, this is not happening to me....but it is. Sitting there in shock, I waited for him to say something but he just continued drinking. I spoke up and said this was not what I had in mind, and I wanted to go home. He looked at me with great offense. He said I just spent 30 bucks to get in here, why didnt you say you didnt want to see the show before I paid? I told him I had no idea that this was a drive in that showed porn. Again I said I wanted to go home and threw in a NOW at the end of the sentence. He threw the bottle on the floor of my side of the seat and peeled out of the slot. About 5 minutes out, he said....Im going to go watch this movie and you can either come with me, or you can get out here and walk home. He pulled over and waited for me to decide. I got out of the car and he drove off. I had to walk for at least an hour, in heels to the only store with a phone. I called my dad and he picked me up. I never heard from him again.....Thankfully!

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that is awful. i thought i had a good story...but doesn't top that...


so last year, I met a guy at this party. he was a friend of a friend, a phD professor...he offered to drive me home after the party (he had a motorcycle) and well, I sort of knew him, so I was bold and said sure...otherwise it was late and I'd take the subway by myself for an hour. we ended up grabbing a a few drinks (near my apartment) and talking at the bar...he decides to get super drunk and started doing shots. he walked me to my place and asked me to stay. I told him no..and he became belligerent. I told him I'd walk with him to get water, but he should not drive home, he should park his bike in the lot and take a cab home. he kept pursuing and saying, why won't you let me stay, over and over. I finally had to walk away.


he e-mails me two days later..."so, if you're ever in my neck of the woods and want to grab a drink again, i'd be up for that" (all a year ago)


no apology, nothing...(i never returned his e-mail). what a loser. the other day, he finds me on a dating site...and i explain who i am..and he said sorry, but that "you wouldn't believe how cold it was to drive so far home. I could've stayed on your couch, you know" btw, i got stopped by a cop that evening, can you believe it? i should've stayed.


umm, excuse me?! then, he sends me his e-mail address and says, if you want to get in touch with me and grab a drink again, you can e-mail me here.


ae you kidding me? is he still an idiot? I'm sorry, rude.

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OMG did you find a male friend to beat him up lol


I remember when I went on a date (it was earlier in the afternoon - around 5 p.m.) and the guy ordered alcoholic beverage..not vine, not beer...thats all o.k. (although I wouldn't be impressed).


But he ordered drink called Travarica (something we have in our country) and that has 40% of alcohol in it.

At 5 p.m.???


Not horrible as your date (not even close) but that happened on the beginning of the date so I couldn't wait for a date to end simply because I couldn't understand why would someone order 40% alcoholic beverage at 5 p.m.

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OMG!!! After 15 years I've finally found you! First off, I just want to apologize for that night. Sometimes I drink when I get nervous, and you made me very nervous. About the porn, that was actually a double feature, and that's why it cost 25 bucks. The porn was a 15 minute short, and was just there to warm folks up for the main feature, My Dinner With Andre.


If you were paying attention, you'd have noticed that I had my My Dinner With Andre action figures glued to the dash of my Chevy. It's my favorite flick. So basically, I endure a few minutes of porn just to get to the, erah, climax. Ok, that didn't come our right, but you know what I mean.


I am sorry that I made you walk home that night. I don't have any great excuse for that, but I always wanted to tell you that your perfume smelled nice but never got the chance.

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im thinking no;


but wow. I do remember me acting like that once, but it was because I found out my gf was a stripper. After watching her cheat at a party, with the whole party, we accidentally took a wrong turn on the way home, and I kicked her out of the car 350 miles away from home....no purse, no cell phone, no clothes.



im very sorry you had to go through that.

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He wanted to either get drunk as heck....or he is a huge alcoholic, and that was lunch. hehe


OMG did you find a male friend to beat him up lol


I remember when I went on a date (it was earlier in the afternoon - around 5 p.m.) and the guy ordered alcoholic beverage..not vine, not beer...thats all o.k. (although I wouldn't be impressed).


But he ordered drink called Travarica (something we have in our country) and that has 40% of alcohol in it.

At 5 p.m.???


Not horrible as your date (not even close) but that happened on the beginning of the date so I couldn't wait for a date to end simply because I couldn't understand why would someone order 40% alcoholic beverage at 5 p.m.

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haha....Well first off, Im older now and I could drink you under the table. Secondly, I love porn!


Ask me out again, and I will wear my comfortable shoes.


Oh one more thing??? Do you still have that piece of crap car with the duct tape seats?

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Wanna lap dance? JK!!!


im thinking no;


but wow. I do remember me acting like that once, but it was because I found out my gf was a stripper. After watching her cheat at a party, with the whole party, we accidentally took a wrong turn on the way home, and I kicked her out of the car 350 miles away from home....no purse, no cell phone, no clothes.



im very sorry you had to go through that.

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Drinking and dating dont go hand in hand. I have a friend that was in your same situation.....she drank too much on a first date and puked all over the guys car.....but he had sex with her anyway. The next day she was hung over and humiliated.....plus the guy got all self righteous on her and said he could never respect someone that would drink so much and then sleep with someone on the first date.


ahhhhhh the double standard.

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The drinking/porn one set the bar WAY too high for this thread. I doubt anyone can top it... and it goes beyond bad and into "Post dates that you were lucky to live through."


Mine was really tame. Back in college one of my best friends' girlfriend came into town and her room-mate wanted to go with. So he called me to see if I wanted to "double-date" with them. This girl was THE most depressed, cranky, sad excuse for a person I've ever met. She spent the ENTIRE date complaining about everything... herself, the weather, the restaurant... you name it. She WAS "Debbie Downer" from Saturday Night Live, I kid you not. My friend kept giving me these "I am SO sorry" looks all night. At the end I think she wanted to go out again some other night, but I politely made up some excuse and was VERY grateful to go home alone!


Runner up: After my divorce I joined a dating website and met a girl whom I thought was pretty cool. It really wasn't even a DATE but we met up for coffee and got along pretty well. I realized half-way through that she'd be more of a friend than a romantic interest but we still had fun. Two days later I was out of town with my folks when she called and left me a voicemail on my phone just to see "what's up." I didn't get the message right away and when I did, I couldn't call her back until I was back home (2 days later). When I DID get home, I had a rather cold and angry email from her asking why I never returned her call. I returned her email and politely explained that I was out of town and couldn't return it. She emailed back and apologized, but that was a BIG, needy, angry red flag for me. Never heard from her again.

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I hope you know that after your post I hit youtube to go and watch the Debbie Downer disneyland skit. lol!


Yeah I have been around a couple of people that not only deal with their misery, but cherish it. Oh and dont get me started at all the complaints I here as a bartender....So many men come in complaining about their marriage.

wait.....Now Im complaining. lol

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I hope you know that after your post I hit youtube to go and watch the Debbie Downer disneyland skit. lol!


Yeah I have been around a couple of people that not only deal with their misery, but cherish it. Oh and dont get me started at all the complaints I here as a bartender....So many men come in complaining about their marriage.

wait.....Now Im complaining. lol


Now that I think back and remember the date, every time she said something I hear: "WOOOOOHHhwww-WWWwwooooohhhhh" and she looks at an invisible camera.

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