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It's been almost three weeks since my ex broke up with me. I tried everything i can to get over him. What kills me more is that i know he is probably over me and i'm not even close to over him. It's jeopardizing my studies and social life because all i can do it think about him. The whole world is telling me to get over it. Why cant i just listen?

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Hey. I know its hard to focus on other things when you have a broken heart. I have been there and it isnt easy. Hang in there. It's ok that you are still hurting...there is no time limit on how long it should take you to get over him. Try to focus on yourself...do things that make you happy. I know its hard, I was in your place a few months ago. I still hurt somedays but I am alot stronger now than I was then. Time will help...just take it day by day!

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Hey there Lucyinthesky!


Well if you think that he is over you, wouldnt that be easier for you? Look at it this way. HIS LOSS! If he is going to cause pain in your life.... why would you want to stick around anyway.


CRY IT OUT! Seriously sometimes crying is the best medicine, it just kind of lets it all out of you!


Get on with your life, if you dont feel like going out, dont force yourself but try to see and open up to those around you! As for your studies! Go to sleep, sleep it over and then study with a fresh head


Hope this helps, if you want to chat PM me!

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It is very hard to deal with a breakup. NEVER let it come between you and school. School comes first. I did that while in college and it ended up taking me 5 years to finish. Dont let it get that bad. It will heal in time. Go to class and that might take you mind off of thing.

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I would like to take this time to thank everyone who read and replied to my post. It brought a smile to my face knowing that ppl cared and I havent smiled in a long time. Unfortunately I am still withdrawing myself from the outside world. It seems like this situation will get worse before it gets better. But i will keep everyone posted on my (cross my fingers) recovery.


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It's just been 3 days since my ex bf broke up with me. Yeah, it hurt, since i did everything to make it work out, and for all those time that we were together, i was really happy and complete, but i guess that's all just shattered dreams now. My love for him was pure and true, for i didn't really care about his shortcomings, and i forgave him for all the pain that he's caused. Now, i want to be friends with him, but he still doesn't know what to do. Through the short period of time, i think i'm almost over him. I just learned that if you really love someone, you must learn to let them go, and as long as they're happy, you are too, at least, that's how i feel. Yes, having a broken heart is really hard, and i admit that i haven't slept for 2 days, but i know i'll get over it. I still hope that i don't lose his friendship though. We were good friends back then, and i don't want to lose that.

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