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Guys/Gals: Have you ever had a...

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I have another general question (This one goes to the Guys and Gals):


1. Have you ever been in a relationship where you had to hide your feelings for each other?


Example: You're dating your supervisor, but since there is a rule within the company regading this matter or you don't want your supervisor's status with the company to be jeopardize, you had to hide your feelings for your partner.


If yes, how did it go?


2. We all know that a relationship involves compromising for each other. Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt you're the only one who is trying to make things work out (All your partner wants is the benefits from you compromising and never give anything in return)?


3. When would you say if you're partner is a little overjealous/paranoid?




4. Ladies, in your opinion, when would you say when a guy is:





-Just showers you with the right amount of attention.

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yep! i just ended it though!! it has nothing 2 do with the hiding all the time but i caught him cheating on me! It really sux wen ya hafta hide ur feelings and hide from ppl that u no wen ya go out! but it went great 4 bout 2 months!




i'd say it as soon as they became paranoid! coz it just gets worse ( trust me)





Needy? umm it gets anoying but every body has problems

Stalking? id get pissed of personally!

Snob? id say its not woth it!

Just showers you with the right amount of attention?id hafta say oh yeah the guy 4 me!


hope i helped ya!

good luck 4 what eva ur planning 2 do!

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Hey Setsuko


Have you ever been in a relationship where you had to hide your feelings for each other?


A: O kinda, it was a big mistake though. I was being a big jerk and kinda dated two chicks at once so you kinda know why. But yea, that didn't last long, I just couldn't handle the guilt...


2. We all know that a relationship involves compromising for each other. Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt you're the only one who is trying to make things work out (All your partner wants is the benefits from you compromising and never give anything in return)?


A: YES but I also feel that I'd be a needy and "just showers you with the right amount of attention/maybe too much" and that could be the reason. Some people are just really self centred and stuff so that could be their reason...


Anyway, so I do feel that I make too many compromises and get no where as much in return but that could be because of our totally opposite personalities and I know she's not doing it intentionally. Once again this could have something to do with my above paragraph. But when you flip this all ova, when you really love someone isn't it that you don't think about them but what you want to do with them, and how you'd sacrifice just about everything for them coz you just really love them so much it does'nt matter and it'd b all worth it?


3. When would you say if you're partner is a little overjealous/paranoid?


A: When she starts to spy on me etc etc.


Hope that helped setsuko

Happy Heb

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1. Have you ever been in a relationship where you had to hide your feelings for each other?


No, but I have worked in an office where there were "secret" relationships going on... everyone at my work could tell there was something going on. Its prob easier if you don't actually work hand in hand and the bigger the company the easier prob to hide it.



2. We all know that a relationship involves compromising for each other. Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt you're the only one who is trying to make things work out (All your partner wants is the benefits from you compromising and never give anything in return)?


YES unfortunately, I think that this uneqaulity usually stems from one person being more "into" the relationship than their partner, I would say the only way for this situation to change is for the taker to WANT to be more involved and giving, no way you can make someone care and give more without being abusive.


3. When would you say if you're partner is a little overjealous/paranoid?

I would say that when/if my partner made me feel like he was being overjealous, I mean alot of times it has to do with little things, but basically if my partner is trying to stop interaction btwn me and anybody else I think that is being overjealous.




4. Ladies, in your opinion, when would you say when a guy is:


-Needy? if he's constantly asking for things (not nec material, but time, attention, etc.)

-Stalking? if he's watching or tracking me somehow without my knowledge

-Snob? if he thought he was too good for my friends or anything about me

-Just showers you with the right amount of attention. when I feel loved, supported and all warm n fuzzy



BASICALLY you cannot force anyone to "be" a certain way in a relationship, they are acting on their FEELINGS and as we all know those can't be controlled. Good luck with your boss, you had to fight tooth and nail to get her, this is what ya get.

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