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i have posted here before,and now i have question for you,but first here's a summary of what happened..

about 2 months ago my boyfriend broke up with me kuz he thought i called a lot..he said i was stalking him kuz i would block my number and hang up when he answers..i had no idea what he was talking about..i did call him a lot, but i never hung up on him...

i used my friend's (mark) phone to call my then bf a few times kuz my phone was broken for about 4 months..my friend's phone number doesn't show up when you call people who are not on his contact list, so it appeared that it was a 'private number'..but i only used it a few times..other times, i just used my home phone..

BUT mark and his friend, who's in love with me, got my ex's number, and used to call him, and hang up when he answers the phone to bother him, kuz he was jealous that i was with him..

i have moved on, and i wouldn't ask him to get back together, but if he asked, i would consider it,kuz i still love him..

should i tell my ex that it wasn't me who prank called him? i know that there's a 95% chance that he would change his mind..but i don't wanna be the one who always tries to fix things,and i'm afraid that he won't believe me..i could just have my friend tell my ex what REALLY happened, and i won't have to talk to me ex, and if he decides to give us another try, then he can call me..

also, is there anyway my ex or me can find out what the private number was to show him that it was mark's number from phone bills or something?

what do you guys think?should i tell my ex, or just forget the whole thing.

if you want more details, you can go back to recent posts, or you can pm me..


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If your friend is a real friend, he'll be a man about this and tell your ex HIMSELF. Even if he didn't like you being with the guy, that's a bit beyond disapproving, that's interference, and he should apologize to both you and your ex for causing trouble. His phone bills, not your exes, will show the number ONLY if it's long distance or you're from a state where the area code is required for local calls. Otherwise, you're out of luck I think, I don't think they'll do more than give you a timeline and "private number", and since there's no illegal activity or investigation associated, it would cost - you can double check with the phone company on that. I think to get the actual number you'd have to get a court order.


If he won't tell your ex, should you? Maybe, if it would at least give you some satisfaction to be able to vindicate yourself on this count at least. If it wasn't going to change his mind, would you still want him to know? If so, tell him as calmy as possible that you were upset with his accusations and found out later how the misunderstanding happened, tell him, and leave anything else up to him. I'd still say the optimal thing would be for your friend to give both your ex and you an apology - he's owe you that much!

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