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My friend recently told me that she went to a lockin at church, She said while she was sleeping and older friend (male) came to her and... touched her.... she was awake the whole time and didnt know what to do so she just pretended to sleep... Now, shes scared to tell anyone about her problem.. and shes really confused.. what should she DO??? PLEASE ANSWER QUICK!!!!!

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I'm so sorry to hear about that! You should talk to someone who was there (a leader, adult, anyone) and tell them the problem and the incident that occurred. Tell them who did it and what steps should be taken next. If she is to nervous or afraid to tell anyone herself, maybe you should tell an adult, or have she and you got together to discuss the matter. I hope this helps you in any way.

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I cant tell anyone.. i promised her i wouldnt tell anyone.. I cant break a friends promise.. i never can do that... never...


I think you should set aside a promise, you're friends welfare is at stake. What if this person makes another attempt at touching her?


You should tell someone if she wont.

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You shouldn't let him get away with this. You're basically saying it was okay for him to do that by not taking action. Your friend shouldn't have to exclude herself from activities just because there's some creep that's going to be there. Take action and get the guy the discipline he deserves.

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You, or your friend, are going to have to tell someone... it's not just this incident or her at stake, if he did it to her, he WILL do it to someone else, almost guaranteed. If she's scared, offer to go with her to tell someone you both trust, a priest, counselor, someone who will be able to reassure her she did nothing to welcome this, and there's nothing wrong with reporting it. But it really does have to be reported so he can be dealt with, before more girls end up in her position, and before his behavior escalates to more than touching.

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Panda, you have to tell someone. Tell your parents and let them handle it. This is about more than just you and your friends relationship. If this guy did it once then he will do it again. Think about all the other girls that goto that church. The ones that may even be littlier than her and not comprehend what is taking place. By staying silent you are condemning other people to there fate and not stopping a wrong that is going to take place in the future. Think about it man. As a church goer myself I am deeply offended and bothered by this. If you refuse to do something about it because of the promise between you and your friend, then private message me the name of the town and church, I will gladly make a longdistance call and get this resolved myself. This is something that cannot take place again. I dont know how old you are, but no one is ever young enough to start taking a stand and becoming a man. This is your chance. Dont condemn other people to there fate and remain silent.


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You need to talk to her about it or something, so that you two could let someone know, cause who knows what might happen next. You really need to tell somebody. She shouldn't have to skip activities like that just because of this person, she should get to go where she wants. Just please take everyone's advice and tell somebody...

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