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How do you get over the nervousness?


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So that would mean that chances are she would respect me for what I did?


She would be a cool girl to dig with. She's so darn cute. I so hope that she says yes.


I wish I would have asked her sooner though but I didn't really think I was attracted to her. I mean, I thought she was just another pretty girl. Though now I realize that she is a really neat girl and a lot of fun.


My friend didn't even know why I was going to ask her out because he's so nervous of girls and they used to really pick on him in Middle and High school, so he tries not to think about girls.


But in my opinion, I can't really ignore a girl that looks like that and acts like that.


She acts so innocent, but I wonder if she really is. LoL.


I wish she acted like this one girl when I was in High School, who I didn't like, but she went crazy on me, trying to hug and get me "excited".


Can you imagine if I went to ask her out and she was like, "I was dying for you to ask me out, because you are so damn fine."


Not that I am a sex-only guy, I would not mind if she was the type to throw me against the wall and take advantage of me. I would not yell rape. But enough of this talk, because I don't want to sound like a dirty-only type of guy.

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So that would mean that chances are she would respect me for what I did?
She should. I asked out a total stunner a couple weeks ago, (only because she was giving ALL of the signals) someone I would have NEVER went after if not for ENA, and when she said no, she was so sweet about it. She didnt ignore me, we still talk on the phone about random stuff and text message, wishing happy turkey day and such, but she will respect you, yes or no. But its important you ask her out face to face, or she will not think you are man enough. So be sure its face to face and youll be fine. Youll even feel good about yourself.
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She should. I asked out a total stunner a couple weeks ago, (only because she was giving ALL of the signals) someone I would have NEVER went after if not for ENA, and when she said no, she was so sweet about it. She didnt ignore me, we still talk on the phone about random stuff and text message, wishing happy turkey day and such, but she will respect you, yes or no. But its important you ask her out face to face, or she will not think you are man enough. So be sure its face to face and youll be fine. Youll even feel good about yourself.


Yeah, I know.


Do you think it will still sound ok, if I am nervous while I say it and it takes me a few seconds to say it?


I just don't want to mess it up if I can.

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Yeah, I know.


Do you think it will still sound ok, if I am nervous while I say it and it takes me a few seconds to say it?


I just don't want to mess it up if I can.


I know this will sound easier said than done, but, pretend its a family member or a friend. Besides you shouldnt be that nervous, youve already talked to her.


Just say, would you like to join me in the lounge for a drink when you get off work?


Easy as pie. And keep telling yourself that it is.

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Yeah, I know.


Do you think it will still sound ok, if I am nervous while I say it and it takes me a few seconds to say it?


I just don't want to mess it up if I can.


Convince yourself that you wouldn't mess it up and you won't..

And stop thinking about it..!! it will just make you nervous... just take a deep breath and go for it..!


Good Luck...

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She came back, again. I logged out first so no one typed this but me, LoL.


Well I did it but she said she has class until 9 tonight but she said maybe sometime else/some other time.


She smiled like crazy when I asked her. Then I said how she seems like such a nice girl.


She smiled and then I said about how she's probably why more people come to the Ebensburg library then the other, and she's nicer then girl at the other library.


I can hardly believe that I asked her and it was so easy, I just almost spit it, like rappers say.


I'm still a tad nervous but I'm ok now.


I know that ENA doesn't like swearing but I'm not swearing at anyone here just in the air!




ghost69, wanna go for a beer? I am not old enough, but are you? LoL.

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She came back, again. I logged out first so no one typed this but me, LoL.


Well I did it but she said she has class until 9 tonight but she said maybe sometime else/some other time.


She smiled like crazy when I asked her. Then I said how she seems like such a nice girl.


She smiled and then I said about how she's probably why more people come to the Ebensburg library then the other, and she's nicer then girl at the other library.


I can hardly believe that I asked her and it was so easy, I just almost spit it, like rappers say.


I'm still a tad nervous but I'm ok now.


Now as long as she follows thru with the some other time part, you should have it in the bag. You said she was smiling, so that tells me that she will follow through with the date.


And I told you asking her out wouldnt be that bad......

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I told her see you later and she said have a great one, like I used to tell her. She was in such a good darn mood. She looked like she didn't want to turn me down at all.


She was in a way better mood then she was last Monday.


I just wish it wasn't so close to the end of the semister but I still may see her in a class next semister or see her next semister in the library.


I will also see her next Wensday also.

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