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Needing some advice


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I am needing some advice about changing highschools for the next year, but some backround info first. Back in grade 9 i was going to a school out of my district so i didn't have to many friends from public school, but soon made some good friends. But after a while some people started to not like me and only went worse from there, I didnt get along with the teachers very well, and i had enough and transferd to the school in my district. My plan was to stay at my district school until grade 11 and go back to the other school for classes that wernt offerd in my district school. But Once I got to the new school, ive made tons of friends and I love it here. I get along with most people here and its alot closer to home.


My friends here dont want me to leave and im started to have second thoughts about leaving. But I really want to attend the courses in the other school. I just need some advice on what to do.... any help would be great thanks!

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Leaving your friends is difficult when you are so far along. How much would you be gone if you just take a few classes at the other school? Will you still see your friends most days? If so, then I would recommend taking the classes.


Even if your gone more often and don't see your friends at school much, they're still your friends. Be sure to keep in regular contact and hang out after school with them!

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