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Self help book advice 'n suggestions

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Does anyone know of any good self help books along the lines of “quit moping around, get off the couch, stop moaning about your on and off ex, get your life together and get your head out of your ass” kind of thing.


A sort of "quit wallowing in the mire and get your damn act together" "kind of thing


Please no religious stuff – I already got a religion, what I need is a life!

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Clementine Orange -


The best material I have read on this topic is Susan Elliott's blog at the following website:


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Start with the articles under "Most Popular Posts". They are truly amazing and inspirational. Not only that but she tells you exactly what you need to do to get unstuck.


In terms of books, I suggest the following:


1. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

2. The Road Less Traveled by Scott M. Peck


The first one teaches you how to separate your mind from yourself. It helps you recognize that your anxiety is a result of your identifying with your mind when it generates thoughts from the past or when it focuses on the future. It shows you very logically that obsessing about the past or getting anxious about the future are delusions. I'd call it spiritual, but not in a religious sense. It's more on Eastern philosophy and how you can use those concepts to bring you peace. It's a New York Times bestseller and my therapist has used these ideas with me. I has given me a lot of peace by teaching me how to accept what is.


The second book is perhaps the best psychotherapy book I have read. Although it is not focused on heartbreak, it explains why we feel what we feel and it empowers you to change.


Best of luck to you,



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've recently been inspired by the motivational audio program and book of a successful self-made businessman/speaker/author named Henry Penix.

He asks you a lot of introspective questions to really get you thinking about who you, uniquely, are.

I am taking time off from college, and before I went through his program, I was floundering, losing self-esteem, and becoming depressed.

Thinking creatively on his questions and writing down steps to materialize (in an interactive journal included in the program) them has given me greater self-confidence, drive, and direction


His stuff is very reasonably priced compared to similar material out there, but he also has a blog (free, no registering) in which he frequently posts helpful snippets from his books.

I know that he has a coaching program, which I have not been through, but I would imagine that being held accountable by an objective life coach would be the absolute most effective solution for trouble with getting one's act together.

If you an afford it, I would check out life coaching. It's usually less expensive than seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist, and coaches deal more with getting people motivated than with mental illness](*,). Check up on references before paying anyone

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