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One Month Of NC....finally

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After dating my EX girlfriend for almost 4 years I have officially passed going no contact for 1 full month no exceptions whatsoever...I friggin loved this girl to death and we have broken up in the past over arguments but reconcile soon after. The thing that left me upset the most was we broke up this last time over something so stupid but neither one of us had the balls to call eachother yet and I can tell you right now Im not going to try contacting her any time soon. I was just sick of always being the first one to call back aswell. I can honestly say Im surprised she has not texted or called me but Im finding it easier to bear as each day passes...sure somedays I hurt like hell but its only if I dwell. Sure I sometimes wish I could hear her voice or feel her naked body snugg tight against mine but I find its more the Physical addiction that overpowers the emotional...I dont know if that makes any sense.


I was just curious to hear if anyone has experienced going through a similar situation where you received a phone call of text from an ex unexpectedly or after quite some time had passed by?

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It's been 21 days of NC for me so far and I've heard nothing. Mutual friends have also said he hasn't said a thing about me and hasn't even asked after my wellbeing, even though he knows they see me often.


I feel like a piece of * * * * that's been thrown out in the garbage. Whats the point of even trying. I truly thought he would have contacted me because he would always text and call most days when we were togethtrr. Instead now he calls our male mutual friend to 'chat' instead of me I guess.


Im just feel like our relatiosnhip meant nothing to him.

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Redhot- GREAT job! I just had my last contact with my ex today after I found out he's been lying to me and already has a new girlfriend. I told him what I thought of him and hung up... I doubt we will ever speak again but it will still be hard to heal. One month is excellent. Keep it up! I'm sure she's thinking of you even if she's not calling. She may be thinking the exact same things you are actually.


I'm sorry frangi. At least he isn't already seeing someone right away who he says "makes him happy" unlike me. My ex was mean about the breakup. I'm sure he thinks of you though even if he's not asking about you. Just think that you deserve someone who would have the balls to ask about your well-being and who will appreciate the wonderful person you are.

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Since you were always the one to call after a fight, I bet she assumes that you are going to cave in and call. It is a game of chicken..who is going to "break" first. When one person is always running after the other the other person takes it for granted and gets smug about it. Good for you for standing your ground. If you continue to always be the one to contact first, she will never grow up and realize that relationships are a give and take and that BOTH sides have the responsibility to take initiatives to contact the other and to diffuse arguments.

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Don't hope on it. Maybe she had started some of the fights to get you two to break up and was hoping you would not talk to her.


I appreciate your input but I highly doubt that she would create a confrontation with me just so that I would not talk to her anymore because she is an honest and upfront person who sais whats on her mind. Also why date someone for 4 years if you dont even want to be with them.

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