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my girl frend broke up with me need some help

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ok yesterday my girl friend wrights me a e-mail saying ----

this past month has been amazing. I love spending all my time with you. going to your apt. all that time it is now my second home. and I don't want that to change. but I feel that I cant be with anyone right now. u know I have had a rough couple of days. and I cant even think what the next will bring. I think the best thing for me to do is to be alone right now. that doesnt mean we stop anything. the only thing that changes is the commitment to one another. I wanna let you know there is no one else and its soooo not you. you were so perfect..maybe to perfect. but things got to serious to soon.


but last week she was telling me that she needs some space and I was giving it to her. I new something was wrong when she was acting more distance from me but I just was not expecting this.


my friend was talking to her at there friends house last night and she toled him that. she still likes me and that she just thought that things were going to fast and that I was starting to fall in love with her and she was not ready for that. I never gave her any impression that I was falling in love with her.


when I talk to her I toled her that I will respect your dission but I think we need to talk. she toled me that she wonts to be best friends. I did not finish talking to her why she brook up with me it was late and she was going to bed she sead we will talk tomorrow.


I don't know what she means by I think the best thing for me to do is to be alone right now. that doesnt mean we stop anything. the only thing that changes is the commitment to one another–does this mean she still wonts to hook up with me and still be intimate or just be friends and hope that we still hang out every day?


I don't no what to do I really wont to be back to getter with her I don't no if I should ask her if she wonts to take things slow or if she really wonts to end things.

how do I Handel a thing like this

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Hey buddy, sorry to hear you've hit a wall.


Sounds like shes had enough and is trying to let you down gently.


The only thing you can do is leave her be, dont contact her in anyway, give her total space, if you contact her you'll just push her further away.


This is the only way she might come back to you, if she dont come back after a few months you just gonna have to move on with your life, tough but true.


Fight the urge to contact her and you stand the best chance of getting her back.

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