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I am such a loser I just want to die!


44, single, lonely and I hate myself!


God has brought me back from the brink so many times - why can't he respect my decision just once!?


It's almost as if he has made me indestructible, I really am no good to you God, and this will never change!


God, I am going downhill more and more - please, please be merciful and help me to die!

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Speaking on God is a very serious thing


You were not created to have no purpose in life. God loves us as he loves his son Jesus. As a believer in the lord you should exercise acting as Jesus did in his life on earth. Love yourself and others endlessly. You maybe single; you may have been through some hard times. But remember when things happen its your decisions that bring out negative and positive outcomes.


Use them as experience and gain wisdom!


Please don't give up. At your age you have a great sum of great knowledge to use and help other with in life. Next time you grace down the path of love try to step out of your normal patterns of reactions and ways you carry yourself. Think back on your past experience.


Make a positive decision and please don't give up.

Good luck to you.


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  • 1 year later...

This point in your life you are being tested, everything that happens will happen regardless of the obsticles. If you think thoughts of anger only anger will you commit, if you exercise thoughts of good only good things will happen. What is good and what is bad are hard to sperate. If your car gets hit by another car and the only thing that spereated a group of people from getting crushed by the other car was your car than you have saved many lives eventhough you may not realize it. My point is that you are needed on this earth, someday you may have the oppertunity of saving someones life without even knowing it.

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you do have a purpose, i promise. it's up to you to not be so hard on yourself and go out there and find it. your purpose is to live, and then you will find your place in this world. try not to get frustrated, we have all been where you are and some of us still are. obviously, you being here on earth is something that God wants. we all care about you here and we wnat to help you, and i know there are plenty out there who feel the same. i'm truly sorry for the state of things in your life right now. i know you're really down and upset about them, but you can't be too hard on yourself. but hey, you've got a lot of life left in you. there are many people out there. just keep your eyes open and you will find someone. go to a singles bar or go to a club or join some kind of organization or go to a concert. people are out there who will appreciate you and value you for who you are. you're obviously an intelligent, deep person and you deserve people in your life to consider those admirable aspects of your life, and i know they exist, they're out there, and you'll find them. i know what it's like to be introspective and not like what i see. i've been where you are. i've thought about ending it...but i'm glad i did not. when you realize how much of a permanent solution to a temporary problem suicide is, i hope you will understand that it's not what you really want. you can get through this and you can get back on your feet and things can work out for you, too. i'm not the only one who can beat this suicide thing. just do things to occupy your time for now and before you know it you'll be back on your feet. join a gym or go for walks or something. exercise is good for making your brain feel better. find a hobby. play an instrument. watch some good movies or listen to some good music. write. TALK TO SOMEONE. something, you can do it. if you end your life, you'll never know what could have worked out for you. believe me, w'ere only given this one life and we're going to die anyway, so you might as well try your best to take advantage of your time here. i know things are hard and life does in fact get tough, but you can bounce back. just try not to get lost in your current situation and sadness. don't let your emotions get the best of you. don't drown in this pool of sadness, but lift yourself out of it and take control of those aspects in your life you're unhappy about. it'll be a gradual thing, but you can do it. hey if you ever wanna talk, please email me, i'd love that. take care and hang in there, you can do it.



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  • 4 months later...

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