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How to overcome cursed shyness?


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I dearly care about a girl (won't say "love" because its a liiiiitle too early for that). Just to give you an age, I'm 15 and she's 14. I am insanely shy, so shy in fact that it is among the most difficult things I have ever done just to walk up to her and the end of the day and say goodbye to her and wish her a good weekend. How in the seven circles of hell will I find the courage to ask her out? Because I refuse to do that in an email or over the phone, I have to do it in person.

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It's easy. You see...stop thinking of it as if you're about to ask her to marry you or something. I'm pretty sure you've walked up to a stranger before and asked them what time it is right? Were you very scared before you did that? I'm assuming no you weren't. Let's try another one, you've walked up to someone new in your class or some place before and introduced yourself to them right? Were you terribly scared when you did that? I'm assuming also no.


You see...it's easy to walk to her and ask her...if she wants to go to the movies or just hang out sometime. The trick is, to think of it as if you're just asking someone for the time, or introducing yourself to a complete stranger. If you stay in that mind frame it will be easy. To practice, you might want to ask a couple of different random people what time it is and or what their names are...or introduce yourself. With that same mind frame you'll then ask her out.


The problem starts when you loose that mind frame...and thereby loose your cool.


Good luck

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I dearly care about a girl (won't say "love" because its a liiiiitle too early for that). Just to give you an age, I'm 15 and she's 14. I am insanely shy, so shy in fact that it is among the most difficult things I have ever done just to walk up to her and the end of the day and say goodbye to her and wish her a good weekend. How in the seven circles of hell will I find the courage to ask her out? Because I refuse to do that in an email or over the phone, I have to do it in person.


how long have you known this girl?

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You could also try and rehearse you conversations beforehand. Of course, what you end up talking about might be totally different, but you'll feel a little more confident.


The thing to realize is that there's really nothing to be nervous about. If she were to reject you, it's really not the end of the world. You'll never reap rewards without risk. That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. etc..


Also, take things in baby steps. Make a conscience effort to talk to her a little more everyday.

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