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Wow, I'm excited!


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Good evening ladies and gentlemen,


Before I head out for the evening with some buddies of mine, I thought I'd make a post to outline something that just happened from the most unlikely of sources. My sister is 12 years older than I am, and we were chatting tonight about this girl she calls her "little sister" from work, who is 7 years younger than she is. And out of nowhere, she suggests I consider maybe meeting this girl and seeing if a relationship could be developed.


Now, I'm not by any means very attractive or muscular, etc. So I know, atleast on a superficial level, some girls are turned away immediately. This girl is an absolute bombshell. Gorgeous, stunning, intelligent, and I'm far from that "level". But I do have a pretty solid emotional foundation, personality, and such that could likely win me over someone who may be able to see pass minor superficial things. My sister claims this woman is deep.


Being younger than this woman, and being somewhat intimidated by her absolutely gorgeous appearance, and being told by my sister that guys are just dropping at her knees and she's not interested, how am I supposed to build up enough courage to give this a shot, even if it may very well be a long shot?


Thanks in advance for some support and advice.

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As hard as it may be to believe, she's just an ordinary human being, like you. Not better, not more valuable, not more special. You're only focusing on her "good" traits. I'm sure she has many bad ones as well. I'm sure there are all sorts of imperfections in her physically, not to mention flaws in her character, morals and personality.


Once you remember that she's just a normal, mundane, typical human like you, it's hard to idolize people and put them up on such a pedestal.

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Sweetie grow up,

i am student who is great marxist and also a believer in Preception. First thing first if you only are pursuing this woman for her looks i gaurantee it wont work. i would also like to state that the society we live in doest a great job at classifying human beings on superfical values such as appearance.....distorted viewswhich are created by our society ...what iam trying to say is thus, the people around you play a big role. Relationships that are created on superfical values end quckily and harrness no meaningful life lessons. So when u do go on an this date with this woman just remember that your are realli hott and that your there to find areas in her personality that are compatibile with yours, and take it from there . Even if she doent exactly like you, i am sure by being yourself and looking beyond the so called beauty at least she will highly respect you as an individual of worth . i wish you the best and i hope you find a real connection with this lady than just her pretty face or hot body and hopefully share a lifetime together.

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I suppose I came off in the original post somewhat superficial. Let me clarify - I am not pursuing nor meeting this woman on sketchy pretenses. I have more than full intention to meet her, listen to her, and see who she is.


I guess what I was concerned with in the original post was if I should even worry about the fact that she is a gorgeous woman and I may find myself a little insecure seeing as she has been hyped up to me by my sister as this absolutely stunning and breathtaking woman - and I don't find myself quite near that kind of calibre.


But nevertheless, I'm still going to bite the bullet and see where it takes me. You never know what can happen I suppose.



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you sister is hooking you up. if she is her friend, she will be pumping up your image. if this girl is hot and she is genuine, your sister suggested you for a reason. she probably thinks you will be a good match. so your she is probably eager to meet you. hurry up before some jackash snatches her up.

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