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Which would you find more attractive in a mate?


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but you would like both right? or are you blind?


Well I've got awful vision. LOL


But no, why would I like #1 if his personality sucks and we have nothing to talk about? I can't feel good if there's no connection. My "relationship" with him would be the same as my relationship with a poster of Jacoby Shaddix. And I don't date posters.

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Well I've got awful vision. LOL


But no, why would I like #1 if his personality sucks and we have nothing to talk about? I can't feel good if there's no connection. My "relationship" with him would be the same as my relationship with a poster of Jacoby Shaddix. And I don't date posters.


omg. i've been saying a combination of the 2 this whole time. you following the thread? in never said #1 or #2.


and according to your above post, you do like looks. and if you met a guy with great looks and a great personality, you'd date him right? if he treated you right?

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Well I've got awful vision. LOL


But no, why would I like #1 if his personality sucks and we have nothing to talk about? I can't feel good if there's no connection. My "relationship" with him would be the same as my relationship with a poster of Jacoby Shaddix. And I don't date posters.


But how would you be initially attracted to him were it not for his looks? Would you even be in a relationship with him in the first place?...

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But how would you be initially attracted to him were it not for his looks? Would you even be in a relationship with him in the first place?...


now raiden makes a good point. i don't go up to a girl that i find unattractive and hope she has a great brain. now, there have been times where i've met women that i didn't find attractive and was attracted to their minds. did i date them? no. most of them are female friends. lol


and on the other side i have hot female friends that i'm just not attracted to their minds. it would never work. i think this is the only way guys could be friends with girls and vice versa. they usually will end up hooking up. but that's another thread.

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But how would you be initially attracted to him were it not for his looks? Would you even be in a relationship with him in the first place?...
Ummm...there are alot of ugly people with girl/boyfriends who think they are great looking.


Of course anyone would prefer to have both 1 and 2.


2 i more important, however, and I'd take a 2 over a 1 given a choice.


In fact, that 2 BECOMES better looking in your eyes, which is what counts.

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now raiden makes a good point. i don't go up to a girl that i find unattractive and hope she has a great brain. now, there have been times where i've met women that i didn't find attractive and was attracted to their minds. did i date them? no. most of them are female friends. lol


and on the other side i have hot female friends that i'm just not attracted to their minds. it would never work. i think this is the only way guys could be friends with girls and vice versa. they usually will end up hooking up. but that's another thread.


Agreed 110%.


I wouldn't contemplate dating a girl I wasn't physically attracted to, I unashamedly admit this.


Nor would I contemplate dating a girl that was, by all accounts, "hot" but had a screwy personality.


Ummm...there are alot of ugly people with girl/boyfriends who think they are great looking.


Of course anyone would prefer to have both 1 and 2.


2 i more important, however, and I'd take a 2 over a 1 given a choice.


In fact, that 2 BECOMES better looking in your eyes, which is what counts.


But... I pose you the same question: would you be initially attracted to someone you didn't find (physically) attractive?


Everyone has likes when it comes to looks. I've never stated otherwise. If a guy has the looks of a rockstar and a great personality with an amazing connection, then yeah, of course I'd date him. That doesn't mean every guy I've wanted to date has looked like a rockstar, I can go for something else to.


I wouldn't say attractive is all that subjective, despite what the general consensus around these parts states. Face it: generally, a good looking person is a good looking person. Likewise, an ugly person is an ugly person.


As for the "rockstar" preference. These guys who don't look like rockstars obviously appeal to you physically, even if it's a subconscious thing...


I'm rambling. My point is though is that I just can't see how someone who isn't physically attractive to someone else becomes... attractive


I'm a friends first type of person. And looks grow on me. I'm obsessed with a guy who looks nothing like my physical "type" but I wouldn't change anything about his looks.


Understood, and I suppose kudos should be given to you for being this way.

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I've definitely had the hots for someone I didn't initially think was good looking (at all).


Just having spoken and been around them a little bit made me see them differently.


It's not the same as asking a girl you see once out because she's so good looking. It takes a little longer, but it definitely happens.

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It's hard to explain. I guess what happened was I started to associate his look with things that are good (since the rest of him is so great). I'm sure there's a psychological explanation for it. Like Pavlov's dogs, salivating when they hear a bell because they associate the bell with the meal they're about to get. lol


Hmm. I suppose it's just one of these things you have to experience to believe. I just can't imagine becoming intimate with a girl I wasn't physically attracted to. Just the way I think.


I still argue though that this guy you speak of is actually pretty good looking, by common definition. Just not your 'type', as it were.

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By the way ghost...I'll admit I can't see myself dating someone who is obese. Actually I just told an overweight guy I just want to be friends the other day, even though he had a great sense of humor, was a great conversationalist, and I was wondering if I'd discover an amazing personality once I got to know him. But no I didn't give it a chance and I still feel bad.




(Disclaimer: Not that I'd leave someone I love if he gained a lot of weight, that wasn't the point at all. lol)

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By the way ghost...I'll admit I can't see myself dating someone who is obese. Actually I just told an overweight guy I just want to be friends the other day, even though he had a great sense of humor, was a great conversationalist, and I was wondering if I'd discover an amazing personality once I got to know him. But no I didn't give it a chance and I still feel bad.




(Disclaimer: Not that I'd leave someone I love if he gained a lot of weight, that wasn't the point at all. lol)


Yeah, may the gods forgive me, but alas, I'm just not physically attracted to the whole obese look. Call me shallow, call me she-devil (and you'd probably be right!), call me Satan personified, but I'm simply being truthful (which, I suppose, would disqualify me as Satan personified, but I digress ... and too often, come to think of it).

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Yeah, may the gods forgive me, but alas, I'm just not physically attracted to the whole obese look. Call me shallow, call me she-devil (and you'd probably be right!), call me Satan personified, but I'm simply being truthful (which, I suppose, would disqualify me as Satan personified, but I digress ... and too often, come to think of it).


not shallow at all. it's what you want. just like if you like the shiny red sports car over the rusted station wagon. which would you rather drive?

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I'm not afraid to say it. I wouldn't date someone who was fat. A little bit, sure, there's nothing unhealthy about that, though my preference is a girl who's smaller than me.


It's not just a physical thing for me. It's a matter of self respect, put a little effort in to staying healthy and appealing to me, because I'lm going to be doing the same. (I actually maintain a great diet and such)

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