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guys my ex girlfriend has started talkin 2 me on messanger. iv avoided all contact with her for 3 wks now and this is the first real opportunity shes had to talk to me for a while. word has gone round that im datin another girl so mayb shes interested in that. the thing is she never starts talkin to me? she broke up with me 3 months ago and came accross as really enjoyin her self. i still want a second chance with her so how shud i act to her?

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Hi There !


I just want to say something before I answer your question.

If you avioded all contact with her, I suspect it was for a good reason. The only reason that you are now in this situation, is because she basically initiated contact with you. If she heard that you have a new girlfriend, it is quite possible that she is simply trying to bring up feelings in you to make herself feel more powerful that your new girlfriend, and to make you feel like you are feeling right now. If you could have moved on without her contact, you should think hard about her motives for contacting you.


If you want her back, I guess that you would have to meet her and talk to her about that. Short of being nice to her, there is not really a lot you can say over messenger. With an ex-girlfriend, messenger can be a bit impersonal, and the sort of situation you need is to talk to her in person.


Decide firstly what you want, and then act upon that decision !


Hope this helps you some,

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