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She doesnt love me like she used to! please help

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My girlfriend told me that her love for me isnt passionate like it used to be. We have been going out for almost 5 years ever since 1999 is it normal for the passionate love to go away because we are so used to each other? or am i doing something wrong? she said its because i dont have a job and im not showing her im responsible and mature. could this be the reason that her love has been fading ? please help im about to go crazy.

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hey. i'm sure that she still loves you and everything but she just wants to see that you've grown up and became a resposible person. she wants to know that she can count on you to be there for her and ask you for something if she ever needs anything. i'm sure her love is not fading away. now that you guys have been together for a long time she expects more in the relationship (im sure u wouldnt want a lazy immature g/f) take her advice and get a job and prove to her that you're a responsible person and things will go back to the way they used to be. do you feel like she's the one? does she feel like you're the one for her? is she does than she wants to know that she wont be supporting you...does this make sense? just relax and think about what she told you. questions to ask yourself, "what have i done to prove to her that im not a responsible person? how do i act immature?" good luck and i hope i helped you a little.

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