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This kinda pain doens't go away

I have to deal with it and play my happy card

To let everyone think I really can take the pressure...

To make you think I didn't care like I did...

But I can't lie anymore


You lied to my f****** face

Made me think I could keep your pace


Guess what f*** you!

I don't want to love you

I don't want your s***


This heartache isn't what I signed up for

This pain wasn't the plan

Even now I wonder your truth...

was I really "the love,"

the only one that was worht your existence?


He's gone

He left

He isn't gonna stay for the rest


He found fun in other things

He wound up making me cry

Even when forever was just another lie


He's gone and found fun where he wants


My heart hurts

I feel lost again

Cuz being found

Is only in your arms


When I lost you

I knew it was true

Thats when I felt like

I had swallowed glue


And guess what

All I ever wanted was you.


F*** you

F*** this

I don't need your s***


I found out

That's right

I know

Don't lie

It's gonna make me fight


I wish you could make me fell better

But that * * * * wasn't something to forget


I trusted you

I loved you

And I get this?


F*** you

F*** this

I don't need your s***







A heart is not a plaything

a heart is not a toy

but if you want it broken

just give it to a boy


Boys have to play around with things

and see just how they run

but when it somes to kissing

they do it just for fun


You'll wonder where he is at night

you'll wonder if he's true

one moment you'll be hapy

the next you'll be blue


Each chance you have to meet

your heart begins to dance

your world revolves around him

there's nothing like romance


But when it stops you'll wonder why

you'll worry yourself away

you see my friend I'm loosing him

more and more each day


Boys never give there hearts away

they play all girls for fools

one moment they say they love you

the next moment there palyin it cool



Don't ever give your heart away

don't ever go astray

for broken heart's count my friend

it never turns out the right way


Love is fine but it can hurt

the price you pay is high

if I had to choose between love or death

I think i'd rather die


So when I say don't fall

in love you'll be hurt I know

it's true you see my friend

I know cuz I fell in love with you




Well what do you think?


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