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how r we all today?

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well im feeling really . last nite i seen my ex's best friend, one of my friends called me to tell me my ex was in the same pub as her, i had a realistic dream about the ex. so ive been crying all morning. i have such a strong urge to call him but i know i cant. i feel alone. i feel like im never going to be better or happy. i feel like i wont get through this. i cant let go, i keep hoping hes going to realise hes made a mistake. happy memories of holidays etc keep replaying in my mind. how could he abandom me like this? he used to love me so much. i dont feel like theres anything to live for.

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Yeah I would also not contact right now hun...


In regards to the how are we today... well it's Sunday.. not the best day of the week really..


An odd weekend really, as I saw the ex on Friday which was ok.. she has been in my thoughts more this weekend than a weekend for ages but thankfully I have come along way... also a pretty uneventful weekend other than Friday.. so been a bit bored..!! LOL


but yeah I am ok, how's you hun?



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If you makes you feel any better I had a similar night. Just knowing he is out doing his thing, totally in his comfort zone, like nothings happened. Whilst Im out of my element, trying to find my way without him.


hey bobsiesprincess, stay stong. don't call him it won't help you feel any better and could make you feel even worse, even though you probably don't think that is possible.


I agree. If you make contact, chances are you wont hear what you need from him. I too would like to hope my ex will wake up one day and realize just how big a mistake he's made.


But truth is, by then for me, it will be too late. They should never leave a good things like you and I waiting.......

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with the contact thing - its just like i cant understand at all how things change so quickly. i dont have any answers. we were doing so good and i was so happy. we were just not long back from holiday. i miss him so much and i feel like i cant take one more day of this pain.


andy - im really dreading the whole seeing the ex thing. ive been avoiding it soooo much, but we live in a small town so its gotta happen soon enough

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Yeah you will more than likely bump into each other then at some point.. If you do just be yourself.. Hopefully by the time this happens you will feel a bit better...


I live in another town from my ex so the likelihood with me is somewhat slim in bumping into her...Friday was because we went to a pre-arranged party..

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sorry to hear you're feeling down today. i agree that if you contact it will just make you feel worse. after a long time of no contact you WILL start to heal over this, trust me. you have a lot going for you and you don't know what the future will hold.


the holiday thing is tough. i went on two holidays abroad with my ex this year and it is hard not to think of the good times. but try and hard as you can not to because it's self destructive thinking.


i'm going back to uni soon in the same city my ex lives, which will bring back memories and increase chances of seeing her. im not looking forward to that at all. i guess if you bump into them just get away as soon as possible for your own sake.

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Bobsie.. Hey thats the worst thing on earth, hearing from friends about the ex.


You want to hear what he's doing, but at the same time...its really not good for you, because it keeps you hooked on him. Maybe you should tell your friends right now that hearing about what he's up to is upsetting to you. Just imagine, you could hear something totally devasting... that would not be good would it?


It doesn't feel that way right now, but you will feel better. Try to distract yourself with friends and doing things you enjoy. If he contacts you thats great, maybe things can be worked out. If he doesn't you'll still be ok.... honestly you will.


And there is alot to live for, give it a bit of time ok?


Take care



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Bobsie i'm in the same exact boat as you right now emotionally. We broke up a week ago and i've only started no contact like 30 hours ago (yeah thats right i'm keeping count... ugh). So far i haven't heard of her doing anything but even last night when I DIDN'T hear anything either about what she was doing or from her at all period I started to get the biggest urge in the world to call her... I didn't tho. But this morning that urge is back with a vengence and it's all i want to do right now. Don't worry, we WILL get through it... even though right now it's the most painful thing in the world.


I hate mornings.

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aw that sucks


wish i could do an eternal sunshine of the spotless mind n erase all the memories because they ruin everything i do


dont go back to bed, go to the gym or somn. the past couple of weeks ive found myself making outings n stuff as short as possible to get back to my room where i think im safe (i dont even think thats the right word 2 use)

but, its not healthy n prob only makes things worse


i think im gona go get drunk now. duno if thats sensible either though.

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with the contact thing - its just like i cant understand at all how things change so quickly. i dont have any answers. we were doing so good and i was so happy.


God all the answers! Thats the part that threw me. I too couldnt understand how it all went wrong, and so part of me couldnt let go, or had hope things would resolve


Well I did get my answers, and they weren't pretty. I realised afterwards that with or without them it made no difference. But it did make me confront the sad truth of what he was.


bobsiesprincess I do hope you get answers one day. Also hope they are better answers than I got. But if they're not, at least you will KNOW and take the next step - because there is nothing like being left in limbo.


Hope your having a good drink, have one for me whilst your at it!


x J

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