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Still having anxiety problems - impotency.

Doctor Smurf

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Lost count of how many times I've posted about this now, but still it goes on. I think my girlfriend is beggining to feel the pressure of not getting any 'proper' sex in the last six months, and I really don't want any relationship to fail over this - not least because of what it would do to my already non existent confidence.


On the plus side, it seems rather than being able to do nothing at all I can hold an erection through foreplay, but as soon as we move to anything that involves a condom, it doesn't go away completely, but gets so soft penetration can't be done properly. Ironically, even if she gives me a blowjob, it feels great but has the same affect on me.


Anyone else here in my position? Please say there is... Or any new advice to keep my mind empty during?


Thank you all!

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I deal with softness all the time.


When it happens and I still want to have intercourse, we get in a missionary. She puts her legs up to her chest and we make sure she is soaking wet. That gives the easiest entry possible I think.


Then either use a cvck ring or simply use your fingers to clamp the base to momentarily hold blood in. Insert several inches into her. Then simply lay on her, make out and relax. Both of you! She definitely doesn't need to tighten at all. With some luck you can do something to excite yourself and you can just grow inside her.


I can't count how many times that has allowed me to achieve a full erection followed by sex for at least 10-20 minutes before going soft again. Alternatively, try masturbation sleeves with her if that doesn't work. Keep the condom on so you don't have to worry about putting it on at an inopportune time.


I have a rare talent of actually being able to orgasm without achieving full erection inside a woman! If you can do it that is definitely something to laugh about. Stay in her long enough and you may get a lot more comfortable being there and might find a better way to feel what is going on. To be a little more graphic I just put a boob or two in my mouth and suck gently for a few. Erection pretty much everytime.

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