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Want to get some opinions


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I am curious to find out if the symptoms of bi-polar disorder can be somewhat similar to meth and drug abuse. I am allowing my girlfriends cousin to stay with us in our home for the time being. Her behavior is erratic and unpredictable, and I want to get some opinions as to what others think may be the cause.


She has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, and does not seek any medical help or counceling for her issues.


Her behavior clearly swings up and down, and her personality is completely different with each mood swing. When she appears to be manic she:


1. Will only get 2-3 hours of sleep per night for 4-5 days.

2. Will organize, clean, and do other types of activities throughout the night.

3. Is often quiet and seems to be deep in thought.

4. Hardly eats

5. Is always on the move or fidgeting with something.

6. Constantly talking on the phone or chatting online—mostly at night

7. Will create to do lists and other goal types of spreadsheets

8. Will catch up on all of the chores that are neglected when she is down.


When she is in the down cycle she:


1. Will not want to get out of bed or perform any tasks. Just wants to sleep

2. Personal hygiene suffers. She will stay in her robe for days if possible

3. Bad attitude, very argumentative and provoking

4. Will eat constantly. Mainly comfort foods

5. Will not do any chores around the house like dishes or laundry

6. Complains about being bored and just not satisfied with anything.

7. Lack of patience with anything

8. Bad temper and the smallest issues get her going.

9. Gets angry when people question her attitude and claims she is being picked on

10. This type of behavior lasts for up to a week.


I have questioned her about her behavior and actions. I have asked her about why she does not want to seek help and she gets angry by telling me I don’t understand. I even questioned her if she was on drugs because her mood did a complete change within one day. During the weekend, she seemed depressed and then an hour later, she doing 20 different things at once. I don’t know what to think. I know she would never admit to doing drugs, but I don’t want to convince myself she is without proof. I know she did have issues in the past with substances, but has been clean recently. (about a year).


Another thing that confuses me is she left her boyfriend once because she found a substance in his possession. She told him that she looked at that as cheating on her and it will not be tolerated. This happened 4 months ago. Would someone who is using drugs themselves act like this, or can it really be a mental condition?????????

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Why do you think she is using drugs?


It obviously seems like she has a problem, not necessarily drugs. From your description there is a chance she has bi-polar and since the doctors diagnosed her with that disorder, she most likely has it.


Bi-polar is basically characterized by the patient suffering from very high and low moods. With some patients those moods might shift with years, while with others they might shift in days or even hours.


It is very kind of you to allow her to stay at your place, not so many people do that. However, I think you need to understand this mental disorder. People with bi-polar or any mental illness are very sensitive about these kinds of things; it is very natural for her to get angry with you from your questions.


Even though you mean well, you might be harming her. You just have to remember she is vulnerable and we have to keep in mind that we can't treat these people as we would others. That is why she said you don't understand, because sometimes people don't and I speak from experience.


Do you really think you are up for having her stay over? Because as much as it is a very kind gesture, it is not your responsibility.

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