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just moved in

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I know most people come to this board to talk about problems but I wanted to have a little change of pace and talk about something positive...My bf and I just recently moved in together. We decided we were going to go to the same college together. I love him so much!!!! he is everything great that I could hope to have..and not to mention HOT! I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him and growing old together and sharing childeren. he says he never wants to marry in his life or have kids but I have seen his weaknesses and I think it is just is age talking. I think that by the time he turns 28-30 ish, his veiws will change, he'll want to settle. (we are both 21 and we both agree that we need to focus on school more than anything else...so I'm not making any plans or anything...) I can't believe what he will put up with in regards to me..I mean, I get so jealous, and he never gets frustrated...not about anything. I keep seeing families and people with their childeren and I get this weird feeling...I dunno how to explain it. all giddy and stuff...I guess I have even cried about my love for him. I guess that is why I am writing this in the first place. Is that normal? Im not crying from saddness, but from joy. Various things will trigger it, a picture, a couple, other things too. But I will suddenly start crying because I realize how much I love him. Why is that? Am I scared? Are my feelings intimidating me? Am I just completely surprised that I can hold such a tremendous feeling?? Does anybody know??

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Congratulations! There is nothing wrong with you, just that you are being very sensitive. I can relate to that, because I am somewhat the same way (ugh, yeah ... I am a guy, too... *grins*, oh well!).


Anyways, you're GREAT. Why? Sensitive persons are able to express their emotions better and are not afraid of their emotion. The good thing is that they are capable of giving a lot of love. The trick is that they also could get very frustrated and/or jealous (sounds familiar? *grins*).


Mermayd, you sound a happy person. It shows in pretty much every posting I read from you. I wouldn't worry over your emotions if they are not blocking you or holding you back from something. Just feel happy they way you are.


Have fun!


~ SwingFox ~

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All I can say to you is Congratulations for finding something so special. The worst thing you can do is be afraid of what you are feeling because it is something so precious and something that some people never experience.

Dont be afraid, embrace your happiness and make sure you let this man know how you feel. If someone loved you that much and was so happy with you, wouldn't you love to be told? And, I dont mean to be negative here, but nothing lasts forever so its important that you let him know how happy you are and try to hold on to those feelings as long as you can.

Good luck. I hope you remain happy for as long as you can.


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Hey, that's cool. Congrats! Actually when I was very young I asked my mom "why was that lady in the show crying because the person didn't die?" It's very common for people to cry when they feel how much they love someone. Your just so happy that you found them and they are part of your life. Don't worry about the marriage thing. I am 26...the thought of marrying or having children at this point in my life terrifies me. I loved my girlfriend very much, but I had no intention of marrying her. It will all come with good time. I am looking at kids and marriage around 35. A lot of people tell me that's too old. But hey, that's want I want, I will be ready when I am ready. You never know though, one day your boyfriend might propose to you, shock the heck out of you...then you will start crying again because you will be soooo happy. 21 is still pretty young, remember 2 years ago you were still a teenager, enjoy those 20's without anything to tie you down.

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